Chapter 53- Should Loki Come?

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Everyone asks necessary questions before I pack up my laptop.
As I'm about to leave Tony speaks up.
"Hey Y/N, since you know so much about Hydra and Bucky, what do you think about coming on the mission but staying in the Quinjet so you can overlook the mission, track us and we can talk to you without you being in too much danger?" Tony asks.
"Uhm sure, anything to help!" I say.
"Well then come sit down, join the meeting. We'll need your help more than anyone's," Tony says. The meeting goes on as we all talk about when we should attack, who should do what, if we should take more than one form of transport, the best places to enter, who will be with who etc.
We begin to wrap up. Then Thor brings up a hypothetical.
"Hypothetically speaking, what if Loki were to come on the mission. I know no one trust him but I haven't seen him in this much control and this calm ever. Y/N is really rubbing off on him and they seem to work well together. He's a great fighter but I think he'd even be good just to have with Y/N to help overlook the mission. He could be possible backup. I don't think it would be dangerous. In fact I think it could help us," Thor says.
"I don't know. I'll think about it," Tony says.
With that the meeting is wrapped up.
I go to find Loki again. Because Peter is coming on the mission, Loki was the only person not involved with the mission in the main part of the tower.
"Hey Friday, where's Loki?" I ask.
"In his room," She responds.
I go up to our room.
"How'd it go?" Loki asks as I walk in.
"Good, all the information was useful to them an they trust me more now. They're going to take me on the mission," I say.
Loki looks at me concerned.
"Don't worry, I'll be staying in the Quinjet to overlook the mission and so I can talk to everyone without being in danger or it distracting me. They're even thinking about letting you come because you apparently seem to work well with me and you're very calm around me," I say.
The look on his face turns from concern to shock.
"What? Me?" he says.
"Yeah, Thor said I was having a positive effect on you and you'd be of great help to the team.
"Wow.." He says, "This is great!"
He smiles and hugs me.
"Thank you!" He says.

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