Chapter 59- Before the Mission

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As I wake up I notice that I again made it to my bed last night after falling asleep on the couch. I'm about to roll over and fall back asleep before I realise what today is.
I need to get up.
I fly out of bed and over to my cupboard where I get frantically get out my training clothes. I hear the footsteps of someone and whip my head around to see Loki.
He tilts his head to the side and raises an eyebrow questioningly.
I smile awkwardly before going back into my frenzy. I can see a very confused Loki's head follow me to the bathroom
Ok, shower, get dressed, eat, train, leave. Shower, get dressed, eat, train, leave.
After showering and getting dressed I go to the kitchen to get something to eat. I only need something light so I just grab an apple before making my way to the training room.
Steve, Nat and Sam are already training in their uniforms. They all give me a small nod as they get back to training.
I get onto training and after a couple of minutes Nat comes over.
"Hey girl, you want to train with me?" She asks.
"Absolutely," I reply.
Steve and Sam move off the large training mat and sit on the side to watch Nat and I.
We get into position.
"This is going to be so entertaining," Sam whispers as Steve gets ready to count us down.
"Three, two, one, GO!" Steve yells.
Nat and I begin circling each other on the mat.
I know Nat will make the first move and I know what it'll be.
She lunges at me and I block her.
We continue fighting for a couple of minutes before she finally pins me down.
"Hah! Gotcha!" She exclaims.
A mischievous smirk plays across my face as I flip her over and pin her down in a way that she can't move out of without getting hurt.
She taps my leg signalling that she's done. I turn to the boys and bow. They clap as I leave the room.

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