Chapter 20- Back in the Cell

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"Alright, in you hop!" Tony says to me as he unlocks my cell.
I shake my head.
"Uhm, you're going in here whether you want to or not," Tony says to me.
I shake my head again.
He grabs my hips, causing me to flinch massively, and chucks me into the cell.
I hit the ground with a thump and yelp in pain. Tony doesn't care.
I kneel on the floor clutching my stomach where it hit the ground. Tears threaten to spill out of me. I shut my eyes and bow my head so I don't come off as weak. I gasp for air. I can hear Loki yelling at Tony . There's no point in hiding my tears, I'm alone. Nothing matters. Every part of me that hit the floor aches. I let my tears flow. Why did all this have to happen to me? it's not fair. I never asked to be tortured. I never asked to be hurt. I never wanted any of this. I don't want to be treated like a threat. I don't want to be treated like a criminal! Why doesn't anyone understand that. I only ever wanted a normal life, a... just something that doesn't make me... this.
I hear a door slam.
"Y/N!" Loki yells.
I look up.
"Oh my! What did they do to you?" he asks.
"I-I don't know. Tony just chucked me on the floor and winded me and oh- oh gosh..." I trail off.
"What is it? Y/N tell me what's happening!" Loki yells.
"I... can't breathe!" I gasp out. "Tony threw me on the ground really hard and I've only just realised it might have been too hard."
"Uhmm!" Loki says panicked. "Uhhh, there... uhhhmmm... There's a security camera here!" He says.
I watch him as he runs over to it and starts jumping up and down in front of it waving and pointing over to where my cell is and yelling help. My head is spinning and I lay on the ground so if I do pass out my head won't smash on the floor. Someone eventually comes in. I hear me cell unlock. Blurry faces appear above me. I can make out Natasha and Bruce. Something is placed over my mouth. I can hear them saying things like stay with us. I want to stay awake. I need to know what's happening.
I nod to them.

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