Chapter 62- The Mission Part 2

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I guess the good part about having studied all the agents and where they are stationed is that we know who they are and how they fight. We got through all our agents fairly quickly.
"How is everyone on your end?" I ask through comms.
"Well we've almost got all of them. It was a good idea that you made us study the agents Y/N," Sam says.
"Is anyone hurt?" I ask.
"Yes but nothing major," Peter says.
"That sounds suspicious but I'll take your word for it," I say.
I turn back to everyone.
"Ok, follow me," I tell them.
We've been over the plan many times so we all know where we're going, but I know especially well.
We run around corner after corner for a couple of minutes, knocking out agents as we go. Then I remember something.
"Guys, how long have we been in here?" I ask.
"About six and a half minutes," Tony answers.
"I just remembered something really important..." I say.
"Y/N, what is it?" Steve stops and asks.
"No time to stop, we have three and a half minutes to get Bucky and get out of here before this place blows," I say.
I see Nat's eyes widen as we all start sprinting.
"Three minutes," Tony says as we arrive at the cells.
We sprint in. Tony, Nat and Clint look after the guards, while Wanda, Steve, Loki and I start getting a very angry Bucky out of his cell.
"Guys, be careful, they've used his trigger words on him," I yell over the fighting.
"Two minutes," Tony says.
The others finish fighting the guards and help get Bucky out.
"Ninety seconds," Tony says.
We get a very unconscious Bucky out of his cell and start to sprint out of the base.
"Forty seconds," Tony says.
We reach the door and run out to the Quinjet.
Everyone runs up the ramp.
"10 seconds, lets go!" Tony yells.
I start up the ramp when I feel something wrap around my waist and pull me away.
"Y/N!" Nat yells.
"Go! There's no time to save me!" I yell at everyone.
Loki makes his way back towards me.
"GO LOKI!" I yell at him, "I'LL BE FINE, I PROMISE! JUST GO!"
Loki struggles to come get me as Thor holds his hand to keep him back.
They take off and I can hear them all screaming.
I feel a sharp pain in my neck and a cold liquid make its way inside me.
My vision blurs.
And everything goes black.

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