Chapter 30- Not so Bad

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Do you guys like the other POV's or would you rather me just stick to Y/N POV?

Steve POV

I'm making a coffee when Clint walks into the kitchen.
"Morning," I say to him.
"Morning," he replies.
I continue to make my coffee when Jarvis speaks.
"Mr Rogers, Mr Barton, Miss Romanoff would like to see you both in the security room," Friday says.
We look at each other and take the lift to the security room.
As we walk in Nat begins to speak.
"Ok, you have to watch this!" She says and point to the screen.
It looks to be a photo of Y/N and Loki.
She presses play.

Y/N's screams fill the cell.
Loki tries to wake her up.
"Y/N! Y/N wake up!" He says through her screams and shakes her gently.
She juts awake and jumps forward a bit. Loki touches her shoulder and she flinches
"No! Please don't hurt me!" She whimpers softly.
"Hey, hey, It's me, Loki," Loki says.
She turns towards him and Loki smiles and gently takes her hands.
"It's ok, it was just a nightmare, it isn't real. You're ok," Loki says pulling her into a hug. She rests her head against his chest and cries. Loki rubs her back and combs her hair with his fingers as he consoles her.
Nat skips forward a bit.
He picks her up and moves her over to the bed. When he places her down she grabs Loki's arm.
"It's ok, I'm not leaving," he says as he lays down next to her. As soon as he lays down he pulls her into another hug. She places her head against his chest again and he continues to rub her back.

"Isn't that so sweet?" Nat says.
"I didn't know Loki was that sweet," Clint says.
"I think he really cares for her," I say. Nat and Clint nod in agreement.
"Hey Friday, who else is awake?" Nat asks.
"Mr Stark, Thor and Mr Banner are all awake, shall I get them to come to you?" Friday asks.
"Yes, thank you Friday," Nat says.
"No problem Miss Romanoff," Friday says.
It doesn't take long for Tony, Bruce and Thor to come.
Nat shows them the video.
Y/N screams are haunting.
"Awww, little bro has a soft side," Thor says. We all chuckle.
"Maybe Loki really isn't too bad," Bruce says.
"Yeah..." Tony says and walks off.

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