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Hello my peeps! Sorry for all the rly short chapters, but I hope you like my story so far:D YAY 4 favs, 1 comment, 2 fans...but come on you can do better! pwease? Well, for those of you who like the Ryou and Mira pairing part, here it is...Joey may get a little jealous...but oh well haha Joey...umm Joey fangirls don't hate me please XD also Ryou fangirls and Yugi and Yami fangirls plz don't murder me....but anyways, this is going to be a cute little sweet chapter(: enjoy!!!

P.S. No I am not a real Ryou fangirl, it's just Mira's opinion:P

And Mira says: yesh and Ryou is the smexyest thing in da world XD


  I love Fridays. I gues it's something about them. Or maybe it's the feeling of knowing that the weekend starts tommorow. I guess it doesn't really matter, cuz guess what today is? You guessed it, it's Thursday! Bummer? Yes, yes it is.

  I got to school and everyone was already there. I wonder how I'm always last to come...I guess they all just get up earlier than me...I wonder what time they get here....

  "Hey Mira!" They all exclaimed.

  Ryou came up to me, blushing, and gave me a big hug, "Hi." He then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  If he wasn't hugging me, I would have given a fangirl squeal. Okay, I finally admit it, I am officially a Ryou fangirl. Back off other Ryou fangirls, he's mine.

  We stopped hugging and I looked into his eyes and smiled, "Well hello."

  I didn't notice, but Joey's eye twitched a little, I guess he wasn't completely over me yet.

  "Mira, umm, do you wanna go on a date tommorow?" Ryou asked.

  My heart skipped a beat and I wanted to burst into a squeal and jump up and down and dance around, but I held in and said, "Of course." then gave Ryou another big hug.

  "Yea yea, that's all nice and stuff, but there's other people here too ya know." Joey said.

  I let go of Ryou, "Sorry." then I put on one of my infamous innocent smiles.


  YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY....I think you get the point...dude what is UP with me these past few days? Oh well, I don't really care, I love it. More importantly, I love Ryou and this feeling and..everything. Everything is just...perfect.

  "Heya!" I squealed, coming up behind Ryou and hugging around the middle.

  "Ah!" He shouted in suprise, then blushed when he realized it was just me. I gave him a peck on the cheek and let go.

  "Hi guys." I said.

  "Hey." they all replied.

  "I am still trying to get over you guys, Yugi and Yami, I just feel kinda...weird." Tea said.

  Yugi and Yami were holding hands, like they had always been the past few days. Their grandpa had come home yesterday from his trip. They had told him about them being together, and he was perfectly fine with it. Everyone we knew knew about them by now, we lost some of the friends we knew weren't real friends anyway, but others were okay with it. We were all still kinda getting used to it though.

  "Well, it's not like we're making out in front of you or anything." Yami replied. Yugi started blushing.

  "Well...yea I guess..." Tea responded akwardly.

  "Well, anyway!" I exclaimed, "I am SOO excited for tonight at 6 at Tina's Diner! YAY me and Ryou on our first date!" I sighed, adoringly looking over at Ryou's blushing face. I told him to stop that it's too cute. Oh wait..I said that in my mind...oh yea...

6pm at Tina's Diner:

  I met Ryou at the diner. As soon I went in, I wanted to do a full-out fangirl SQUEAL! He looked so smexy in his outfit! He was wearing dark navy blue jeans with a sky blue button up long sleeved shirt and a button up black jacket. Not that much different from what he usually wore, a little fancier, but I don't really care as long as he didn't mess up his gorgeous hair.

  He waved me over and I blushed as I walked over and sat across from him. I was wearing my favorite plain neon-green V-neck tee with a purple zebra print tanktop underneath and some jet black skinny jeans. I had put on my favorite shade of purple eyeshadow and wore my baby pink lipstick, like always and put on enough mascara to make my lashes at least 2X longer.

  "You look beautiful Mira." Ryou complimented, blushing.

  "Thanks, you look wonderful Ryou." I replied.

  Ryou blushed. Then, the waitress, a tall, skinny, blonde girl came to take our orders. Her eyes lingered a little to long on Ryou and I wanted to slap her senseless.

  "Mam, you can stop staring at my BOYFRIEND now." I said, annoyed.

  The waitress quickly looked away  and finally asked what we'd like. Ryou blushing the whole time from the moment I called him my boyfriend.

  After eating, we went to the movies. I had my arm on the armrest during the movie and Ryou slipped his hand into mine. I couldn't see, but I could tell he was probably blushing. AWW HOW SWEET!

  After the movie, we lingered outside the theater for a little bit.

  "I don't wanna leave yet!" I complained. It was raining, but neither of us cared. We were standing in front of the theater in the rain, facing eachother and holding hands.

   "We're hanging out with the gang, I'll see you then." Ryou replied.

  "But I'll miss you tonight." I responded, giving him another of my infamous looks, the puppy-dog look.

  "Well, I'll keep you company tonight, in here." He replied, motioning to his heart.

  "You're too sweet for your own good, you know that?" I teased, smiling cheek to cheek.

  Ryou gave a small laugh and moved his face close to mine and kissed me gently. Now, think of the loudest fangirl scream you can think of, then multiply it by infity, add one, multiply that by ten, and that won't even get you how loud I wanted to squeal. If I could actually do any, I would do 5 billion cartwheels, and that wouldn't even express my happiness.

  I didn't even like him in the crush/obsessed way. I LOVED that boy. I LOVE Ryou. It's not an opinoin, it's not an exageration, it was a FACT.

  I wanted to cry when he stopped kissing me, but I was too dazed with happiness. He gave me a hug then went over to my car. Yes, we took seperate cars, I had driven us from the diner to the theater, he was waiting in the passenger seat paintently when I came over to the car.

  I drove him back to his car, still parked by the diner.

  "I love you." Ryou said as he got out of my car and gave me a wink.

  "I love you more!" I shouted.

  "That's impossible." Ryou laughed, then closed the car door before I could say anything more.

  I giggled. I love that guy, like I said, he's just too sweet for his own good.

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