Happy Birthday! Now to the "I do's"

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Hiya peepz, well I would write and publish this chpt the same day as I am writing this intro, but I think it would be messy and stuff since my mind is thinking like super fast and it would put too many events in fast forward, and I want this chapter to flow. Cause it's kinda important and everything that's happened prettimuch ended up at this point, at most there will only be two more chapter after this one! probably only one, then an intro to the squeal, yes there will be a sequel! YAY, I will not spoil what that'll be about, you'll have to see for yourself! Well, enjoy!

PS: I know I won't have the whole marraige thing right, I'm no expert, but I don't feel like dragging it on like the real thing I had found when looking it up, so I changed it a lot but, it's a wedding, what more do you want? It still has the basic idea, so yeah lol


Kasai jumped up and down excitedly after all the decorations in my house had been put up for Bakura's surprise party. Today was the day, Bakura's birthday. I was at Bakura's well, Yugi, Yami's and Bakura's house, with Bakura and I had convinced him to take the baby with us to my house, he wouldn't leave it alone unless it was with me or it was time for him to sleep.

We got in the car and I strapped Kozo into his car seat and then got into the passenger seat. Bakura started up the car and drove us to my house. I was so excited, I had seen the gang's plans, well mostly my mom's plans, she's really good at party-planning, and everything is supposed to be perfect when we get there.

I quickly texted my mom, "We're on our way." then shut my phone and put it in my pocket. Bakura brushed it off as nothing and continued driving.

"Everyone into position!" my mom exclaimed, as she saw Bakura's car pull up. She quickly shut off all the lights and everybody hid.

Bakura opened the door and let me in, I was holding the baby. "Is nobody home or something?" Bakura asked and walked into the living room and flipped on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted, jumping out of their hiding spots.

"AH!" Bakura shouted, taking out a gun and pointing at everybody. They all froze.

"BAKURA!" I shouted and snatched the gun from him and put it on the counter.

"What?" Bakura said nervously. I rolled my eyes. "I told you I didn't want to do anything for my birthday anyway!"

I sighed, "But it's your special day, I didn't want to just brush it off as nothing!"

"Fine..." Bakura mumbled. I nodded then went to go put Kozo in a highchair placed near to the nearest corner of the room. Bakura rolled his eyes, "Women..."

"I heard that." I laughed.

"1, 2, 3!" Kasai exclaimed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BAKURA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" everyone sang as loud as they could. My mom brought out the cake, the candles all lit.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish!" Akira exclaimed.

Bakura rolled his eyes and thought for a second, then blew out the candles. "YAY!" everyone cheered.

"What did you wish for?" Kasai asked.

"It won't come true if I tell you." Bakura said, winking at me.

I laughed, "It better not be perverted."

"Why in hell would it be perverted?" Bakura asked.

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