Well, do I?

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HEY PEOPLE OF WATTPAD(: if you've been following along, Bakura asked Mira to marry him, what will Mira say? Will they one day be walking down the isle saying their I do's? Or will will Mira say I don't? Read to find out! ENJOY!


  Yes or no Mira!? My mind screamed. My heart screamed yes but my head screamed no, "Wow....Bakura, it's all so sudden...you jst got out of the hospital and all...."

  "Actually...I've been meaning to ask you for a while before that last incident..." bakura sighed, "I know, we're only in 11th grade, and we're only 17, but one more year, just one more, and we can get married, what do you say?" Bakura asked.

  "Well..I...uhh..." my heart thudded loudly in my chest. I started to slightly sweat, what do I say!? I can't keep him anging lke this, "Yes!" I blurted out, and hugged him, crying tears of both joy and sadness into his arms.

  The people all around us who heard our conversation started cheering and clapping and yelling 'congrats!' and 'Way to go!'. I laughed into Bakura's shoulder as he held me tight and close.

  We let eachother go and Bakura slipped the beautiful ring right onto my ring finger. It fit perfectly.  jumped onto Bakura hugging him and he spun  me around while the whole resturaunt cheered.

  A waiter came up to us, "Since it's such a special occasion, your meal is on th house."

  That created a wave of cheers and Bakura went and grabbed his walking stick, held me around the waist and we walked out of the resturaunt smiling and laughing. Right before we went our seperate ways, Bakura gave me a gentle kiss, which I turned into a real kiss.

  "I love you." I said, after stopping.

  Bakura took my hand and kissed my ring then my hand, "I love you too." He started to walk away, using his cane to guide him.

  "Wait Bakura! Who's gonna take you home!?" I yelled.

  Bakura turned around and smiled, "Your two lovely friends Yami and Yugi, how did you think I got here?"

  "But what if they're not here?" I asked.

  "I've got my phone, and I memorized how to get to where I have to wait for them, I got here way earlier than you, trust me." Bakura laughed, then began walking away again.

  I laughed to myself as I got in my car. I looked up at the ceiling of the car, "Thanks guys."

The next day:

  I danced around my room ignoring my dad freaking out and my mom trying to calm him down. I kept looking at that beautiful ring Bakura gave me. It's so weird how we started off enimes and became lovers...I think it's magical.

  "Honey calm down!" my mom shouted.

  "B-b-but, our little Mira's only 17! She just turned 17! And she got proposed to and she said YES!" my dad yelled.

  "Dad, it's my life!" I laughed, I thought it was funny how parents over react.

  "It's not your choice!" my dad shouted.

  "HONEY!" my mom yelled suprised.

  "Uh...I didn't say anything..." my dad said.

  "That's what I thought." my mom responded.

  I held in a giggle and continued dancing, then decided to turn on the radio so I don't look weird dancing to no music if anyone happens to walk in...

  DING DONG! Went the doorbelle a few minutes later.

  "I'll get it!" my dad yelled. I heard him open the door, then slam it shut again.

  I smirked and in a second I knew why, I quickly dodged past my dad and slipped out the door. Just as I thought, I saw Bakura carefully walking away, he turned around at the sound of the opening and closing door, and also because of my dad.

  "MIRA GET BACK IN HERE!" my dad yelled.

  My mom gave him a stern cough standing at the door. M dad turned around and pitifully went back indside. My mom smiled at me, gave me a wink, then went back inside as well.

  "Well...umm...I brought you flowers?" Bakura said akwardly, holding them out to me.

  I looked them over, "I'm allegric, how can you not know that and you asked to MARRY ME!?" I yelled.

  Bakura stepped back, "S-s-sorry..."

  "Aww I'm just kdding darling, sorry...I just had an urge to do that." I said.

  Bakura smiled and tossed he flowers away and scooped me up in his arms, "It did kinda turn me on..." He then tried to kiss me but I held up a finger to his lips. He gave me a confused look.

  "Nuh-uh, you know you alredy have me...but I just wanna have some fun with you before you really have me." I giggled, wiggling my ring on my finger in front of his face.

  Bakura chuckled then snuck a kiss on my cheek then put me down. I playfully punched Bakura in the arm, "So what did you want?"

  "I was just wondering if my lady would like to go on a stroll through the neighorhood with me." Bakura said in a fake accent. It was absolutly adorable!

  I stayed firm though, "Good sir, just don't try anything, or you will sure earn yourself a good slap." I said in my best accent to match Bakura's, while trying not to giggle.

  "Wouldn't dream of it my lady." Bakura replied. He took my hand and we set off on our walk.

The next day:

  "OMYGOSH!" Akira squealed.

  "What?" Eve asked her sister.

  "There's something shiny on one of Mira's fingers!" Akira exclaimed.

  "You're right..." Yami said.

  "You don't think..." Yugi asked.

  "Could it be?" Tea asked.

  Ryou laughed, "Maybe."

  "I guess we'll just have to ask, hey Mira, Bakura!" Joey shouted.

  Bakura and I walked up, "Hey." we both replied.

  Akira automatically grabbed my hand and stared at it, "SO PRETTY!"

  "What?" Tristin asked.

  "Lemme see." Kaiba said, then looked at my hand.

  "Is it really..." Eve gasped.

  "Yup, made of real dimonds." Bakura siad.

  "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!?" Akira squealed, jumping up and down.

  I laughed, "I guess so."

  Everybody cheered and hugged and cogrdulated me and Bakura.

  "Who's getting married?" some random dude  asked, suddenly coming up to us.

  "Who are you?" I asked, all thecheering paused.

  "Oh, I'm Ikuno, I'm new here, you guys seem friendly enough, would you mind showing me around?" the guy asked.

  "Uh...sure..." I replied akwardly.

The life of Mira and the yugioh gang (contains puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now