I'm happy for you

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As you know, Ryou's healing, he's moving on. You know, I realized something...it isn't rly about Mira anymore. I mean...the title's the life of MIRA and the yugioh gang...I feel like I'm one of those ppl who make those tv shows that start off with what it's SUPPOSED to be about then get deep into the relationships instead...oh well, it will be kinda more about Mira soon, but it's interesting at least right? lol, well enjoy!

PS: for those of you who don't know, like I didn't a while ago, a flash mob is like where you just go some place and just start dancing in the middle of everything. Like a suprise preformance. And most of the time I think it's where you sing the song you're dancing to, but sometimes a song you set up and put on a speaker or something.


*Still Mira's point of veiw*

The next day:

  When I got to school, I saw glances shared between Amya and Ryou. I also noticed Ryou wasn't as tense. Something was up, and I was determined to find out what, "Okay, spit it out Ryou, what's going on?"

  "What? Nothings going on..." Ryou replied.

  "Don't lie, something's going on, what is it Ryou?" I asked again.

  "Well..." Ryou looked sadly at Kaiba, then at Amya, "I have something to tell you guys...I uh, am kinda with Amya now."

  I looked at him for a moment, sheez he had just met her two days ago! Of course...nothing stops love, not time, not anything...but still. Well, Ryou seemed happier so...

  Then I looked at Kaiba. His eyes were wide as if something had just stabbed him through the stomach and was in shock. He closed his eyes and began breathing again, "I-I'm happy for you Ryou."

  Ryou looked up at him, "Really?"

  "Yes." Kaiba said in an almost whisper, I could tell he was but I knew how much it probably hurt, "I told you you deserve better, I hope she treats you right and whatever makes you happy makes me happy." Near the end he sounded like he was about to cry, then he swiftly walked away.

  Ryou started going after him, but Amya stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, "Give him some space."

  Ryou turned back and hugged Amya. I smiled at the two. They were perfect for eachother, they were both super nice and sweet. I just hoped Kaiba would find the one for him.


  I was feeling random. I wanted to break free from all this drama. So I decided to suggest something we could do this weekend, something we'd have to plan for and would be fun: A flash mob.

  "A flash mob?" Yugi asked.

  "YES YES YES! I'm IN!" Akira exclaimed.

  "Sure, but what song would we do?" Ikuno asked.

  "How about Poker Face?" Tea suggested.

  "No..too gaga..." I replied.

  "American idiot?" Eve suggested.

  "No..too Joey..." I responded.

  "HEY!" Joey yelled.

  "I'm just teasing!" I laughed.

  "How about seventeen forever?" Akira suggested.

  "Nah...OOO I KNOW!" I exclaimed.

  "What?" everyone asked.

  "NINE IN THE AFTERNOON! It's like my fav song eva!" I exclaimed.

  "I kinda like that song I guess...okay, now where would we do it?" Yami asked.

  "Do what? Hint hint." I laughed.

  Yami rolled his eyes, "I meant as in where would we preform the flash mob?"

  "Sure that's what you meant." I teased, "Umm...well, we could do the 'flash mob' at the mall?"


  "So we've got the song, place, and now all we need is the coreography, then we're all set?" Yami asked to make sure.

  "Yup, oh yea and it's Wendsday so we'll do the flash mob on Saturday probably around 3?" I suggested.

  "Sounds good, what about everyone else?" Tea asked.

  "Yeah." Everyone else replied.

  "WAHOO! We're gonna do a flash mob, my very first flash mob, thi is going to be epic YAY YAY YAY!" Akira sang.

  "Wait, who is gonna sing?" I asked.

  "The song's originally by a guy." Eve said.

  "Nah, me, you, Mira, Tea, and Amya should sing it."Akira stated.

  "I'm not very good at singing..." Amya mummbled.

  "Well, you should sing, so you can be backup okay, no woman left behind, we all gotta sing, well the girls, the boys are just the extra dancers, and if you're too shy to dance, you can be in charge of music." I stated.

  "Then I'm too shy." Kaiba said.

  "Me too." Joey agreed.

  "Me three." Tristin chimmed in.

  "Me four." Yami said.

  "Me five." Yugi said as well.

  "Me six." Ryou said.

  "Don't you dare." Eve said, placing a finger to Ikuno's lips before he could say anything.

  "Okay, not all of you are shy, you're just too full of yourself to dance." I said, "Otherwise as you're too chicken." I taunted.

  "Nuh uh!" Joey shouted.

  "Okay then, Joey, Yami, Kaiba, Ikuno, and Tristin, you're dancing, Yugi, Ryou, I know you're kinda shy so you're in charge of music, Amya and Eve, you're our backup singers, then me, Tea, and Akira are head singers, cool?" I asked.

  "I guess..." all the boys except Ryou and Yugi replied.

  "Ok." Ryou and Yugi replied.

  "YAY!" Akira shouted.

  "Sounds good." Tea said.

  "Sure." Amya replied.

  "I guess I can be a backup..." Eve mummbled.

  "Okay, we're all set, we just need to figure out a dance." I said.

  Akira started singing, "Cuz it's nine in that afternoon do-do-do and your eyes are the size of the moon-"

  I joined in, "You could, cuz you can, so you do-oo-"

  Tea joined the two of us, "We're feeling so good just they way that we do-"

  Eve and Amya joined, "When it's nine in the afternoon!"

  Everyone but Eve and Amya stopped singing "Oo-oo-oo-oooo oo-oooo oo-oooo da-dada-da-dada-da-dada hmm-hmm hmmm hmm-hmm hmm-hmm hmmm da-dada-da-dada dadada..."

  I giggled, "I very much like the ending part, that should be your job then when Yugi and Ryou do the music, they should make the background music quieter than it had been through the song to highlight that part."

  "It's perfect!" Akira exclaimed, "I'm SOO EXCITED!"

  "Me too." I laughed.

The life of Mira and the yugioh gang (contains puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now