Wait I'm???...shit...

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Hiya ppls okay so I've been very spontaneous on ideas for this story, because they were all unexpected YAY(: But anyway, hopefully I'll get Yugi back this chapter...and maybe put in a big twist again...hopefully. well, enjoy!

P.S:  POVCS = point of view of the current situation okay? I don't want to write it all out lol


Mira's POVCS:

  I've been feeling really weird lately. Not just because I'm kinda crippled from how forcefully Yami raped me...but something else. I don't know. I'm alright with Yami now, but I feel so weird. Amya hasn't been hanging out with us at all. It's been a little over a week since Kaiba and Ryou got back together, I hope Amya's alright. It's also been a little over a week since Yugi got sent to the shadow realm.

  We haven't seen Jet at all. And she was our plan Z to get Yugi back, but we just can't find her. Yami's at his edge, I don't know how much longer he can last. I just hope Yugi's okay.

Amya's POVCS:

  I haven't hung out with the gang in over a week! But I can't really now...because then I won't be able to see Jet as often. She's really sweet and nice now, I've gotten her to open up and ignore the messed up colors all around her. She was afraid of them before. She promises soon she'll save Yugi. But she says I'll have to wait a little while longer.

  I see how sad Yami is, but all of his friends cheer him up occasionally. Jet says Yugi's alright, he may not be in the best shape, but he's alive. Yami will be so happy to see him again!

Jet's POVCS:

  Amya is too sweet for her own good. She's so beautiful, and she gave me a chance, even after what I did. I don't see her colors correctly, but the array I do see are so pretty, she's simple unlike most people, and I think that brings out her beauty even more.

  I never thought I'd ever fall in love. Especially with a mortal. It doesn't matter to me that she's a girl, I love her. It drives me crazy because I used to be this wicked shadow realm keeper who hated mortals, and now I'm almost the complete opposite. I wonder if Amya feels the same way.

Yami's POVCS:

  I miss him so much. The cute little smiles, his laughter, the way he talks, his adorable voice. It's all slipping from memory and I don't want to lose him! I don't even know if he's alive right now...I pray every night that he's okay.

  I love you Yugi. I don't want to lose you. I miss you.

Yugi's POVCS:

  I'm not sure how much longer I can take this. My knees are so weak, where are you? I've been standing still waiting for you to rescue me, for who knows how long! I know you're probably working hard to get me back, but could you possibly hurry up? You're my only thoughts now. I miss you soo much. You're the only reason for me to live right now, and your memory is slipping out of my mind.

  Please don't go Yami. I love you. I miss you.

Kaiba's POVCS:

  Ryou's so innocently happy. I love that about him. But he's clueless.

  Nobody but our close friends know about us.

  It went wrong last time because it was more public last time. Everybody knew then. They don't know we got back together now. I plan to keep it that way.

  So I don't have to lose him again.

  He's my little secret. At least until I pass on the company, so then we don't have to hide. I don't want to hide him.

Ryou's POVCS:

  I wonder why we don't hold hands in public. Or kiss. Or anything that we used to. We don't go on dates or take walks. We're basically friends who say 'we're together' then that's it.

  But wait...last time, we broke up because we let everyone know. Because Kaiba was gonna lose not only his job, but put thousands of workers out of business. I know Kaiba will fix that. I just know it.

  I love him.

Kasai's POVCS:

  It's all my fault that Yugi's in the shadow realm. My darling Atisuto keeps telling me it wasn't. But it was. I'm stupid. I mean...I'm too childish for my own good. I doubt I will feel better unless Yugi comes back in one piece. My rainbow fire is alright, it's not a big but it's not shrinking which is good.Oh, I hope Yugi's okay.

  Thanks Atisuto for cheering me up, I love you.

Atisuto's POVCS:

  Kasai always blames herself for every little thing. Well, I guess that's the way she's always been. Always happy and cheerful, and not to mention random. But she does get depressed a lot, even if she doesn't realize it. But she can be very cute sometimes.

  She blames herself for what happened to Yugi, and I know she won't ever forgive herself until we get him back. I know we will, no matter what. When he gets back, everything will be perfect, everybody's already happy without him, so when we get him back imagine how happy we'll all be.

  Kasai don't blame yourself, I love you.

Okay enough of POVCS, now to the events (Mira's point of view):

  My stomach hurts really bad and I keep having weird craving....shit. NO, no, no, it can't be! I gotta be sure though...oh god what if I am? I know I've felt like I was sorta before and wasn't but...this time it feels real. Dear lord please don't let it be.

  Well, I don't have to go to school today since it's now Saturday. It seems just yesterday was Wednesday and I was being raped by Yami...ahh good times-not. Well I guess I'm gonna go check...I don't think I'll hangout with any friends this time like I usually do on Saturday.


  "Hello?" I asked as I picked up the phone. I put it on speaker so I could put on my jacket.

  "Hey babe, you wanna come help us with Yami???" Bakura asked.

  "Oh, I'd love to, I really hope we can save Yugi ASAP, but I'm not feeling to hot." I replied.

  "Do you want me to come over there to take care of you?" Bakura asked.

  "No, you go help Yami, I'm fine I have my family so I'm fine." I said.

  "Alright, take care, I love you, get well soon." Bakura responded.

  "I'll try, love you too." I laughed then hung up the phone. I rushed to the door, "Bye mom, bye dad, by sis, I'm going to the store, be back sometime! Love you!" I then ran out the door as everyone yelled "Love you too, be good!"

  I felt sort of dizzy as I plopped into the driver seat. I started the engine and drove. I felt so weird, I really hoped it didn't mean what I was thinking it did.

  I pulled up infront of a gas station and asked for a free test then went to the bathroom.

  I came out positive.

  I was pregnant.


  What would I tell my parents? What would I tell Bakura? Wait...who's exactly the father? I mean...I've been raped by Bakura and Yami...please let it be Bakura.

  But I doubted it was.

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