Yay...more drama

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Hello ladies and gentleman! Whores and sluts! Welcome to candyland!....ummm...it's a song...and I wasn't listinging to it wat u talkin about?....lol(; Nerp:P I feel random YAYA Purople flurpals YAY anyways, hello people of the lovely plant earth(: yes it's a plant...anyways, as I was saying Kaiba is AMAZINGAL...not rly....to me at least, but yea he's goin through...stuffs...yea...anyway...but there's a lot of drama ahead so enjoy lol

PS: it's Kaiba's point of veiw again at the begining of this chapter so yea lol


The next day:

  I woke up again in my private hospital. All around me my hospital staff stood.

  "He's awake!" the nurse closest to me exclaimed.

  Everyone else cheered and busily occupied themselves, some scribbling down stuff in their clipboards, but most of them asking me all kinds of questions, from 'are you feeling okay?' to 'What were you thinking, we were all so worried!' Who did they think they were, my parents? I don't really have any!

  "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled when they began asking tons of questions all at once. Everyone froze and was silent. I looked around then pulled out all the chords peirced into my skin.

  "Mr. Kaiba-"

  "Shut up." I told the doctor. God they acted like I was their kid. Of course, that wouldn't really be possible since there was about 20 people in there. It was a big hospital room...then I had a medium room for mokuba, then smaller rooms just in case I need to help somebody quickly...actually Mokuba was the one to convince me of having them.

  I got up and glanced at the clock, froze, then looked at it again, "It's seriously only 5 in the morning...I still have an hour to sleep before I have to get ready for school..." I mummbled.

  "I don't think it would be wise to go-"

  "You know what, I can do whatever the hell I want, you're fired, and so are all of you." I stated.

  "But sir-"

  "You heard me, get out. Now." I commanded.

  They all shot me worried glances, then sadly left. I shook my head then wandered off back to the main part of my mansion, and to my room. When I got there, I amediately flopped down onto my bed. I felt like shit. Then suddenly my reason flashed across my mind and tears began to form in my eyes. Everytime I wiped away the tears, more just came flooding down. I've never cried this much in my life.

 I cried for what seemed like hours, then as the tears began to stop choking me, I rubbed them away and looked at the clock. It was now quater till 6 in the morning. I sighed, a few tears escaping my eyes again. I rubbed them away then got up to get ready for school. I was in no state to go to school. I didn't give a shit.

Later, in Mira's point of veiw:

  I fixed my hair in the mirror, then walked out of my room, grabbed my backpack, and headed out the door after shouting a goodbye to my parents. My eyes hurt from crying so much yesterday, and my lack of sleep last night. I rubbed them with one hand as I opened my car door with the other. I hopped in and yawned, then started up the engine.

  At least I would have one thing to be happy about: My sister wouldn't be getting out of trouble anymore. I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday...oh god, I don't need any more freakin drama! Stupid Kaiba, stupid Ryou...and who the hell is this Miracle girl? Hmm..they must've met when we went to Kaibaland....she was probably the one who told them the news.

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