Chapter 7

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                             Greyson's POV

"Oh and asking to have kids is an BEFORE sex conversation!!!"

She got up.

"Where are you going?"

"I was in the middle of cooking. We haven't eaten all day."


"Dumbass we went all day."

"Oh shit!"

She got dressed then walked away.

"Hey! You didn't answer me!"

I got up and got dressed. I ran after her.

"You didn't answer me. Can we have kids?"

"I mean..yeah..get me a ring first though. Oh! One more thing! Don't do that shit while I'm by something hot!"

"So I'm not allowed to do anything at all?"

"Huh? No! That's not what I'm saying!"

"You said I can't do shit while you're around something hot. You're hot. Therefore I cannot do anything."

"Okay no need to be a wise ass! You know what I meant! I'll get you back for this!"

"Yeah okay."

I slapped her butt then walked away.

"Goddamnit Greyson!"

I laughed.

So she wants a ring?

Cole: Obviously she does you dumbass. It's been two years.

Guess I have to have a conversation with Peter next time I see him.

The next time we were at Peter's house I pulled him aside.

"I'm not the one you should be asking."

"Wha-how did you-"

"You've never pulled me aside before."

"So now I have to go to Tony's?"

"Why do you need to go to my house?"


I turned around and saw Anthony.


I gulped.

"C-can I-"

"Go ahead."

"H-holy shit! T-thank you!"

"Follow me."

Peter brought me into his room. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out a box. He handed it to me. I opened it and saw a lotus flower ring.

"This was my mother's. She told me to give it to Nattie's mate. And since that's you I'm giving it to you."

"How do you know this fits her?"

"Trust me. I know. She would've liked you."

"Th-thank you."

I closed the box and put it in my pocket. We heard a girl scream.


"NATTIE!" We both yelled.

Peter and I took off running.


Nat kept screaming.


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