Chapter 15

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Natalya's POV
Grey and I sat down on the couch in the room.

"Seeing you holding a baby is making me want one."

"Oh really?"

I put my head on Grey's shoulder.

"So this is how you looked when you were a baby?"


"So you've always been cute?"

"I guess."

*Mindlink with Greyson*
"We should talk this way so we don't wake her."

"Good idea."

"How the hell are we going to be able to get away with trying now?"

"Not sure. Moan through mindlink?"

"That...that might work."

"Maybe try while she's at school?"

"Grey you have work."

"Oh. Right. I'm gonna put him in the baby bed. He's sleeping. I still can't believe she named him after our dad."

                         *End of Mindlink*
Grey put Eddie down in the baby bed and sat back down next to me.

"I'm so tired."

A nurse walked in.

"Are you the father?"

"No. I'm the uncle."

"And I'm the aunt."

We were in the hospital for the rest of the day then they let us go home. We let Tiffany rest a lot. At night while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth Grey snuck up behind me.

"You love doing this to me don't you?"

I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"You're wearing it. This damn nightgown. I always slide the straps down."

He moved hair off of my shoulder. He started kissing my shoulder. I finished brushing my teeth. He put his hand around my neck. My eyes widened. He wasn't choking me. His hand was just there.

"Holy shit. Th-this is new."

He looked at himself in the mirror then smiled.

"My hand makes a great necklace don't you think?"

I gulped.

"Got nothing to say? That's new. Normally you know what to say."

He moved his hand. He started pulling my nightgown up.

"I think I've corrupted you. Oh my gosh."

"I can't help it. You have no idea what you do to me."

"What am I going to do it we have to help your sister?"

"Then keep this on. Slide your underwear down. Then slide it back up if you need to. Sound good?"

I nodded.

We went to our bed. Grey took off his clothes and I took off my underwear. I got on top. My hips started moving. Greyson put his hands on my hips and pushed me down. When Eddie started crying I put my underwear back on then went to check on him. I saw Tiffany was already in his room.

"I was just about to check on him."

"Oh. Thank you. You don't have to do that."

"We told you we'd help you. You were awake for almost a full day."

"So were you guys."

"True. But you're sore and in pain probably."

Three years later Eddie no longer looked like Greyson. He started to look like Tiffany.
                      Greyson's POV
I woke up and saw that Nattie wasn't next to me.

She's normally here when I wake up.

Where did she go?

I got up and started looking for her. I found her sitting on the bathroom floor in our room.

"What're doing?"

"Seeing if I'm pregnant. I'm late and haven't been feeling good lately. I don't think I am though. I guess I was right. I'm not."

She stood up and went to throw it out.

"Are you sure you read it right?"


"Can I see?"

"I guess."

She handed me it and I looked at it. My face lit up.

"Hell yeah! You read it wrong!"



"What's with all the yelling? It's 7 am."

"Nattie's pregnant!"

"Wait really? Congrats!"

When we found out how many we were having we both were shocked.


Then we found out the genders. I was too excited when I heard we were having a girl. Nattie was excited we were having a boy.

"Okay what do you think about this name? Brittney."

"We can name her that only if we can name him Alexi."

"That works!"

"I'm not ready for this."


"What time is it?"

"Almost 7:45."

"I should get ready so I can take Tif to school."

I got dressed then went to check to see if my sister was awake. I knocked on her door.

"You up?"


She opened the door. I saw she was ready. We got in my car and I started driving. I could tell something was bothering her.

"What's up?"

"I think my mate is at my school."

"Okay. Have you talked to them?"

"No. I'm a bit worried."

"Ah. You don't know how they'll react when they find out about little man huh?"


"I told you "If they don't want you then they can go to hell." That's still true."

"I don't want to be alone."

"You won't be."

We got to her school and she got out of the car.

"Call me if you need me. Love you."

"Love you too."

After I dropped her off I went home. I walked inside and went up to my room. I saw Nattie went back to sleep. Then I went to check on Eddie. I saw he was sitting on his bed playing with a toy car.

"Good morning Eddie. Your mom went to school already. So it's just us and your aunt until 1. I have to put a few things together. Wanna help?"


"Shhh! We can't wake Nat up. After you eat we'll go in the nursery and put the cribs and whatnot together."

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