Chapter 28

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                                T.K's POV
"She looks just like your baby sister."

"Back off!"

"Why can't I meet my first grandchild?"

"Don't pull that card! Vie go play with your toys."

Sylvie was hugging the back of my left leg.

"Sylvie go play with your toys."

"T.K she's scared. I can see it in her face."

I turned around and sat down on the floor. I started hugging Sylvie. I picked her up and started walking away.

"I'm not done talking!"

"Well I am! Get out of my house you cheater!"

"It'd be a shame if what happened to Kayleigh happened to your little one."

I stopped walking. I turned around.

"Di-did you just threaten my daughter?! B call your dad."

"Babe calm down."

I looked at Brittney.

"Call your dad and Axel."

"Woah! Are you trying to start a pack war?! I'm not calling Axel!"

I took a deep breath.

"Please call Greyson..."

"Alright. Alright."

Once Greyson got to my house I told him what's going on.

"You threatened a 1 year old? Are you mental?! I-is he seriously an alpha?"


"Dude you know to leave kids out of things."

"I wish you were like your brother."

I handed Sylvie to Greyson then punched my dad.

"Don't EVER compare me to him again!"

My dad looked at Sylvie. Before I could do anything he grabbed her and started running. We all ran after him. Sylvie was screaming. I was screaming back.


Axel showed up and tripped my dad. He fell and let go of Sylvie. I ran faster until I got to her. She was crying. I started hugging her.

"You're okay. Nice trip Axel."


I started looking at Sylvie to make sure she wasn't hurt. When I saw she was fine I put her down.

"Go to mommy."

I watched her run to Brittney.

"Seriously dad? Really?"

"Oh so now I have your attention?"

"Dickbag you've had my attention since you showed up ringing my doorbell!"

I started walking away.

"Why did you walk away from being alpha huh? What's so bad about it?"

"You weren't there when we needed to you. You didn't mourn Kayleigh."

"Okay and?"

"Leighton was getting power hungry. I backed down before I got too far into it. He brainwashed that entire pack. The bullet that shot the wolf was when he showed me my mate chained up in a room claiming she was a birthday present."

My hands balled into fists.

"If you were there for us maybe it would've been stopped."

"But your brother helped you find your girl."

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