Chapter 24

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                               Greyson's POV
Natalya cleaned Brittney's bathroom once we got home.
                   *Mindlink with Brittney*
"D-dad? Are you awake?"

"Yeah I'm up."

"I'm really sorry. I-I don't know what happened. I think I blacked out."

"What the bloody hell happened?"

"I-it's school. Everything's gotten worse. Ask Howard Fitzpatrick. I-I have to go. They need me for vitals."

                           *End of Mindlink*
I got up and walked to Lex's room.

"Who's Howard Fitzpatrick?"

"He's someone in Eddie's grade. Why? Did he do something?"

"We're gonna find out. Your sister mindlinked me. She blamed him."

We got ready and went to pick up Eddie.

"I'm gonna skin his ass."

When we got to this asshole's house Eddie ran up to the door. Eddie punched Howard.


                          Eddie's POV
"You're dead! You're fucking dead!"

"Man she gave me a great time. Damn I just remembered she's got a great body too."

"Stop fucking talking about my cousin like that!"

"You'd probably do the same thing I did if you were me."

"You're a fucking pig! She's 14!"

"It's a shame I wasn't her first. Imagine how she must've felt."

"I am going to slaughter you!"

"What's going on here?"

"Hi Mrs. Fitzpatrick. Your son assaulted my cousin."

"Oh did he?"

"He literally just admitted it too."

"What? She's hot!"

"You assaulted the alpha's niece!"

"H-her uncle is the alpha?!"



"If you turn yourself in he might be nice."

I started walking away.

"Where is she?"

I scoffed.

"Why should I tell you?"

I walked back to my uncle's car and got in.

"He confessed. Can you drop me off at Kristen's house?"

"Yeah sure."

My uncle brought me to my mate's house. I knew she was home alone. I walked up to her front door and knocked. She opened the door.

"Hey baby! What's wrong? You seem upset."

I was fighting back tears. I walked into her house and walked up to her room. I threw myself down onto her bed.


"Howard hurt my cousin."


"I-I don't want to say the word."

"Did he?"


"Oh no! How is she?"

"Not good. Not good at all. She's in the psych ward right now."

She started rubbing my back.

"My uncle found her in her bathroom bleeding out." I said as my voice cracked.

"I-I don't know what to do! She's my best friend! For years it was just me,her,and Alex. We lived together for so long. I was so excited when they came home. One morning my uncle caught me sleeping in the nursery in the rocking chair. I was waiting for them to wake up."

" there anyway I can help?"

"I don't know."

I sniffled.

"This is probably going to sound selfish I think. Can you mark me?"


                             Brittney's POV
I wasn't sleeping. The bed are extremely uncomfortable. At least my roommate is nice.

"What's your story?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Why are you here?"

"I'd rather not say."

When I was allowed to go home I was happy. I'm so pissed at myself. I'm scared to be alone. I've been sleeping in the living room with my brother. Even when I turned 17 I was still scared of everything. I keep everything hidden. I keep everything to myself. Unless they were really paying attention nobody can see I'm in pain.

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