Chapter 20

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Tiffany's POV
"What are you doing to my mate?"

"Waking him up."

"I'm up! I'm up! Jesus!"

A few years later the twins were 3 and Eddie was 6. The three of them love playing together. Me,Mackenzie, and Eddie don't live with my brother and Nattie anymore. While Kenz and Grey are at work Eddie and I hang out with the twins and Nat. Oh and me and Kenz are married now.

                             Natalya's POV
"Um have you seen my children?"

We heard Brittney crying and started running. We saw that Alexi had hit her with a shoe.
"Tiff can you handle Alex?"

"Yeah sure."

"I want Daddy!"

I picked her up and brought her to the couch.

"Daddy'll be home in an hour. It's okay. You're okay."

                    *Mindlink with Greyson
"Your son's in trouble. He hit Britt with a shoe."

"What?! Where?!"

"Her head."

"Is she okay?!"

"Not at the moment. She wants you."

"Shit. Okay I'll be home soon."
                   *End of Mindlink*
When I heard a car pull into the driveway I knew it was Grey.

"Daddy's home."

I put her down and she started running to the front door. He walked into the living room holding her. He sat next to me.

"Where's Alex?"

"He's with your sister. We separated them for a bit."

Greyson got up and walked away.


Greyson got Alexi to apologize to Britt. As they got older Eddie and Alex got more protective of Brittney.

"Mom! Get him to leave me alone!"

"No! She thinks she found her mate!"

"You're 14. You can't find your mate yet."

"See? I told you!"

"Ugh. Fine. You were right. Happy now?"


One day Eddie brought his mate Julie over.

"Ooo you're pretty!"

"Aw thank you."
                         Brittney's POV
I don't know but lately I've getting this weird feeling about Julie. I wish I was wrong about her. One day we were at my house just hanging out by ourselves. I went up to my room to get something. She grabbed my hand and brought me into a spare bedroom. She locked the door. I started backing up.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"I just want a little privacy."

"There's only us in this house. We have privacy."

She pulled scissors out of her pocket. She grabbed my arm and cut my pants.

"Woah! Stop! Please! What the hell?! Back off! Let me out!"

"Take off your clothes."

"What?! No! Ar-are you mental?! I-I'm not your mate! My cousin is!"

"Do you really think I care about him?"

"I-yes! You're his mate!"

My back hit the wall and she put her hand around my neck. I started panicking.


She cut off my clothes leaving me in my bra and underwear. I kicked her and went to leave but she grabbed me. She used my clothes to tie me to the bed.


She took the blanket off the bed and put it on top of us.


She started kissing me. I started crying. She picked up a stand of my hair.

"How did you get such pretty hair? You have to show me."

"N-no! I don't! Get off!"

When it started my body froze. I heard my brother and cousin walk into the house. They were talking about some rated r movie they snuck into.


I heard them running up the stairs. I saw the doorknob moving.

"B?! What's going on?!"


Eddie kicked the door open.

"What the hell?!"

Eddie ripped her off me. He locked her in the closet. I was hyperventilating and crying. They started untying me.

"Lex go call your parents and mine."

When I was untied I started hugging Eddie.

"You're okay. I'm so sorry."

He rejected Julie. He wrapped a blanket around me. I looked at my body and saw blood on my legs. I started shaking.

"I'm sorry Eddie!"


"Because you just had to reject your mate because of me."

"It's okay."

"Y-your mark is fading!"

"I don't care."



I heard my dad running. I looked at the doorway and saw him. I kept the blanket around me and stood up. I fell to my knees. I felt arms going around me.

"My little Luna! Mom's on her way back. Vanessa is on her way too."

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