Chapter 18

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                            Greyson's POV
The first night was...decent. Brittney woke up once and Alexi woke up twice. I drove my sister to school in the morning like I usually do. Everyone was sleeping when we left. When I got home I saw that Eddie wasn't in his room. I checked on Nat and saw she was still sleeping. Then I went to check on the twins. I found Eddie sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery.

"What're you doing little man?"


"Waiting for what?"

"Babies sleeping."

"Oh. You're waiting for them to wake up?"

He nodded.

"Let's get something to eat. They won't be up for a while. Nattie is probably going to be hungry when she wakes up."

I picked him up and brought him to the kitchen. I put him down and he sat in a chair.

"Okay. Today you get to pick. Pancakes or waffles?"


"Okay so you want waffles. Do we even have chocolate chips?"

I heard a chair being moved and looked at Eddie. He pulled the chair over to a cabinet and started climbing onto the counter.

"Uh what are you doing?"

I walked over to him.

"If your mom and aunt find out I let you do this they'll have my tail."


"See? No chocolate chips."

I took him off the the counter then I moved the chair back.

"Morning boys."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Natalya.

"Hi love."

"Aunt Nat!"

He got off the chair and ran to her.

"Careful! I'm sore!"


He put his arms up.

"I'm sorry buddy. I can't pick you up for a few weeks."

Nattie walked over to me and hugged me. I kissed the top of her head.

"You okay?"

"I'm just sore."

We heard crying.

"I think that's Alexi. I'll be back."

Cole:Let her go. You can't do everything.

I made breakfast and put everything on the table.

"Uncle Grey?"

"Yeah buddy?"

"Where's mommy?"

"She's at school. You'll see her later."

He got upset and started crying.

I picked him up and sat down on a chair.

"It's only for a few more hours. Wanna come with me to pick her up?"

When it was time for me to pick up Tiffany I brought Eddie with me. I saw her walking towards my car holding hands with someone.

That must be Mackenzie.

Cole: Holy shit! He's tall!

When they got to my car two doors opened. The passenger side door and the back door.

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