Chapter 8

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Greyson's POV
I brought her up to our room. I put her on our bed and put a blanket on her. I hid the box with the ring then went back to our bed. I started hugging her while I cried. I heard her heart start beating again a few hours later. She was still sleeping.

"Please stay with me. I'm so sorry I bothered you while you were cooking."

Someone must want her for themselves.

That's the only explanation I can think of.

I put my head on her chest then I cried myself to sleep. In the middle of the night I felt fingers going through my hair. I picked my head up. I saw Nattie staring at me.


I carefully hugged her.

"Thank the moon you're okay!"

"B-baby? Y-you're still h-here?"

"Yes! I meant it when I told you that I wasn't going anywhere!"

She put a hand and her head on my chest.

"Did you kill him?"


"God fucking damnit. Does Fi know?"

"Yeah. She rejected him."

"As she should. In the morning can you take me to my parents?"

"Mhm. Your dad told me that he's  in a cell waiting for me. Where the hell are the cells?"

"Under the basement. He'll show you tomorrow I bet."

She yawned.

"I love you. I really do."

"I love you too Grey. Is our mark still there?"

"Yeah. It's still there."

When we were at Peter's house the witch checked on her. I thanked the witch and I found out her name.

"Alright where the fuck is this prick?"

"Follow me."

Peter lead me down to a room and opened the door and we walked in. When I saw who caused this mess I immediately felt betrayed.


"H-hey Greyson!"

I was now looking at my cousin Stanley.

"You're the dick who almost killed my mate?!"

"Oh shit...I didn't know she was yours....I didn't get a good look at you yesterday."

"You didn't see the fucking angel wings on her shoulder?!

"No. I did see those."

"And you didn't think to look at who ripped you off of her?"

"I didn't have the chance."

"You know my mother would be VERY disappointed with you."

"Don't bring Aunt April into this!"

"Who's the alpha back home?"

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Try me."

"My dad. Trent."

My eyes widened.

"Does he fucking know about this?!"

"He's the one who told me to grab her."

"Alpha? Can you please give my lovely lovely uncle a phone call and tell him that I need to talk to him?"

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