Chapter 25

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                                Natalya's POV
"Hey Grey? Something's wrong with Brittney."


"I think everything is still bothering her."

"Really? It's been three years though."

"MOM?! DAD?!"

We heard Lex and jumped up.

"I-I can't find B!"


"She's nowhere in the house! She's not in the back or front yard!"

We heard Brittney screaming.

"GO! GO! GO!"

We started running.

                          Brittney's POV
Something hit my head causing me to get knocked out. I heard voices talking.

"Do you know who you fucking took?!"

"Yeah. A pretty girl."

"No dumbass! Her dad's Greyson Bridges! You dumb fuck!"

"I don't see the issue."

"He's the reason the all female pack got destroyed! He's gonna ruin us! We have the same fucking idea Loren had! Plus Anthony Shepherd is her goddamn uncle!"

"Beta I'm sorry. Should I bring her back?"

"It's a little too fucking late for that! You're fucking lucky she's hot! If she wasn't I'd fucking tell you to kill her or take her back!"

The door opened and I sat up.

"Good morning!"

"W-who are you?"

"I'm Quentin. Welcome."

"L-let me go!"

"I'm sorry that he  is so dumb. He simply didn't know about your family."

"W-what do you want from me?"

"That's not up to me. My alphas will be in shortly."



"Calm down big brother! I have a surprise for you for your birthday!"

The door opened. Two men walked in. One was short the other was tall. The taller one's eyes widened.

"You fucking moron! Do you know who that is?!"

Wait a minute...

Alyssa: MATE!

I thought Jesse was my mate!

Alyssa: Good thing you waited.

I mindlinked my dad and told him who had me. The problem is. I don't know where I am.

"Happy birthday?"


The tall one slapped the back of the small one's head.

"I'm sorry T.K!"

"You fucking better be!"

"Maybe she's old enough to drink with you?"

"She looks like she's not even 20! What the bloody fuck Leighton?! Her dad and uncle are gonna mount our heads and tails above a mantle!"

"Not if they don't find her."

"Let her go!"

A chain was put around the taller one's arm.

"What the fuck little brother?! What are you doing?!"

"Plan B. I can't have you ruining the pack's expansion."

"You son of a dickwad!"

The taller one was pushed into the room I was in. The door shut. He started banging on it.


After a while he gave up.


He sat down next to me on the bed.

"I am so sorry about all of this. My brother is so fucking stupid. We know about you and your family. W-we weren't raised to treat people like this. After our parents died my brother went downhill. They made us both be alpha. I walked away from everything."


"I'm T.K."

Instead of talking I started crying. The short man came back into the room. I kept my head down.

"Whatever you're doing is fucked up!"

The short man walked over to me. He used my hair to yank my head up.

"Look how pretty she is though! If you don't want her then I'll take her."



That was an alpha voice!

I don't think I've ever heard one before!

"Her face is so...kissable."

"Fuck off Leighton! I swear we'll find a way out of here! Then I'm gonna fucking expose you!"

"Yeah okay. If you don't do anything with her by the end of the month she's mine."

"If you touch my mate you're dead!"

"She's your mate?! Woah! You're welcome!"

Leighton left the room. Leaving just me and T.K alone.

Alyssa: Talk to him!

"Are you hurt?"

I nodded. I put my hand on my head.

"Do you talk? You seem very quiet."

I shrugged. The next day Leighton walked in. He ripped off my shirt.

"Hmph. You say she's your mate yet there's no mark."

"I'm not forcing her to do anything!"

"Fine. Then I will."

Leighton forced me to stand up. I started pushing him away. T.K stood up and pushed his brother off me.

"Get out! Get the fuck out!"

T.K threw Leighton out of the room. He took off his shirt.


He handed it to me. I put it on.

"T-thank you."

"Ah! So you do speak!"

A few days later my dumbass started trusting T.K. 

"What does "T.K" stand for?"

"Tyler Kennedy. I don't think I got your name."

"That's cause I thought you already knew it. It's Brittney."

One night I found myself having a hard time falling asleep.

Alyssa: Ask to lay with him!

I found myself listening to Alyssa.

"T-T.K? Ca-can I lay with you? I-I can't sleep."

"Yeah okay."

I put his arm around me.

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