Chapter 17

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                            Natalya's POV
Towards the end of my pregnancy I started getting more nervous. In the middle of the night I woke up with pain in my lower back. I sat up but that made it worse. I started holding my stomach.

Nikki: I'm pretty sure these are contractions.

No no no too early!

They're not supposed to come for another week!

Nikki: clearly they're done waiting. Wake Greyson!

"G-Grey? I need you to wake up.."


He sat up. I looked at him.

"Stay here. I'll go wake up my sister."

"C-call my family."

"Okay. Okay. I'll do that too."

Greyson and Tiffany helped me get into the car. My parents and brother were stuck in traffic.

"Why are you being quiet?!"

"Tiffany wanted everyone to be quiet so I assumed you did too."

"No no. Please talk to me!"

"Okay. Okay."

He talked to me during the entire car ride to the hospital. When I was in a room I started being able to relax. I was still in pain though. Greyson started running his fingers through my hair.

"At least they're not surprising us like I did to my parents."

"I guess you're right."

"Who do you think is going to be the oldest?"

"Probably Alex. How long have we been here?"

"10 hours."

"Help me..."

"I wish I could."

                              Greyson's POV
Four hours later we had the twins. Alexi wasn't the oldest. He's the youngest out of the two of them.

"How do yo-"

"Don't finish that sentence Greyson. Please don't. I'm exhausted. I'm hungry."

"Okay. Okay. Get some rest. I'll have your parents bring you some food. Unless I tell you "I need help"don't wake up."

"Thank you."

She shut her eyes. I picked up Alexi and put him in his baby bed. When I went to put Brittney in her baby bed she started crying. 

She just ate.

Her diaper's clean.

Cole: She probably just wants to be held.

"Oh. Right."

I laid down on the couch and put Brittney on my chest. I yawned.

"I've been up for a while now. I should sleep but I want to handle everything so mommy can rest. She really needs it."

I put my finger by her to push her blanket down a bit so it wouldn't cover her face entirely. She grabbed my finger. That made my heart melt. I ended up putting her back in her baby bed then I laid down on the couch. I shut my eyes.

Cole: They're adorable.

"Cole shut up. I need sleep."

Just as I was about to fall asleep Mackenzie started crying. I saw Nat wake up.

"Nattie go back to sleep."

"Please let me do this."

"Alright. Alright."

At home Nattie went to shower while the babies were sleeping. Eddie came running into my room.


"Shh! Your cousins are sleeping and your aunt is in the shower. You can meet them soon."

After I said that Nattie came out of the bathroom.

"Feel better?"

"I don't know."

"Well little man wants to meet them."

"Oh. Tif hasn't even met them yet."

"Okay lay down. I'll get Tif and we'll get them."

I put Eddie on the bed next to Nattie. Then I went to find my sister. I found her in her room on her phone.

"Hey Tiffany wanna meet them?"

"Really?! Mac I gotta go!"

She hung up and jumped out of bed.

"Who was that?"

"My mate Mackenzie. Is it okay if I go to his house after school tomorrow or can he come here?"

"I'm sure it's fine that he comes here. Let's ask Nat though."

We walked into the nursery and my sister's face lit up.

"Hi tiny ones! Who can I pick up?"

"I don't think it matters."

I went to pick up Alexi and my sister when to pick up Brittney. We brought them into my room. I handed Alexi to Nattie and Tiffany sat down next to Eddie.

"Be careful."

Eddie didn't know who to look at first.

"Your mom has Brittney and your aunt has Alexi."

He looked at Brittney and waved. Then he waved at Alexi.

"Okay let's let Aunt Nattie rest."

"Oh. I'm gonna forget to ask later but Tiff wants to know if her mate can come over tomorrow."

"Ooooo as long as they're okay with hearing babies cry then sure!"

"He has a younger cousin. He knows about all that."

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