Chapter 13

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Tiffany's POV
I was walking to my last class when someone grabbed me. I mindlinked my mom then Greyson. I was brought to a house. I had a bag over my head so I didn't know where I was. I could smell only one person. When the bag was taken off my head I saw who took me. The most popular kid in school. Jeremy Allin.

"What the hell am I doing here?"

"How old are you?"


"Close enough."

I started running around the house.


He threw me up against a wall and spun me around. I gulped. I saw his canines were enlarged. He ripped off my entire shirt and snuck his teeth into my shoulder. He covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I started crying. After he pulled his teeth out of my neck he kissed me. I pushed him away.

"S-s-stop! What do you want from me?!"

"You're a white wolf right? Those are pretty rare ya know?"

"I don't see your point."

"It's simple. You're gonna give me a white wolf."

"That doesn't just happen!"

I kicked him and started running again. I found a door and tried to unlock it.


He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.


He put something in my neck. My body stopped moving. I could only talk.


He put me down on a bed. I saw him taking off the rest of my clothes. Then he took off his.

"P-please stop!"

I started hyperventilating.

Carly: I can't talk to Cole! Something's wrong! He did something to block our mindlinks!

My world stopped turning. I can't move yet I feel what's going on.


He stopped moving for a second. He stared at me and smiled.

"Congratulations. You're no longer a virgin."

"WHAT?! NO!"

He chained me to bed. I stared at the ceiling and cried. When I could move again I sat up. I saw blood all over my legs. I curled up into a ball and cried.


The door opened and I sat up. He put clothes on the bed. He unchained me and I was too scared to move.

"Get dressed."

I picked up the clothes. He watched me put them on.

"By any chance did you manage to tell anyone who took you?"

"Yep. They know your fucking name. They know your ugly face too."

"Get on your stomach."


He flipped me so I'd be on my stomach. He held my arms behind my back.

"Don't give me shit today! Don't ruin my fucking birthday!"


After a while I stopped fighting. I just gave up. I no longer saw the point in fighting. One day I heard someone kick the door open. Jeremy got off me and got dressed. I got dressed after he left.

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