Chapter 16

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Greyson's POV
After he was dressed we went to the kitchen. I made him something to eat then gave it to him. He started eating. I saw Natalya walk into the kitchen.

"Hey honey."

"Hi. We are at the point in this pregnancy where I feel fat."

"You look fine. Right Eddie?"

He nodded.

"Smart answer."

"Take it easy today. Let me and little man handle things."

"You want let a 23 year old and a 3 year old handle things by themselves?"

"We're not really doing anything. We're doing things in the nursery. Go lay down."

"I'm hungry. After I eat something I will."

She found something to eat then went back upstairs.

"Alright. Go brush your teeth."

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me.

"What? Oh! Right. I have to go with you."

We went to the bathroom next to Eddie's room and he stood on his step stool. After he brushed his teeth we went into the nursery. I opened the box for one crib and took everything out. I read the instructions and went to get what I needed.

"Okay. Let's get started."

After a while I had the first crib done. Next I had to do the second one. Once that was done Eddie helped me put the boxes away. We did a few more things in there then walked out. I shut the door.

"Okay. What do you want to do?"

He made a thinking face.

Cole: Maybe take him to the zoo?

"Yeah but if I do that I have to bring Nat. I already told her to take it easy."

Cole:Yeah. I know.

Eddie walked over to me and started hugging me. I crouched down so I'd be at his level. He wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you Uncle Grey."

I started hugging him.

That was a clear sentence!

"I-I love you too buddy. Did you figure out what you want to do?"

He walked to the living room. He came back holding a dvd case.

"What's this?"

He handed it to me and I saw what it was.

"Buddy you've seen this a hundred times. Let's find something on tv."

He crossed his arms and stomped his foot.

"Edward Bridges.."

He stomped his foot again.

"Let's see if there's something on tv. If there isn't then we'll watch it."

We sat down on the couch and I grabbed the remote. I found the children channels and started going through them.

"Wow. I haven't seen this movie in years."

In the middle of the movie I noticed he was getting tired. Shortly after that I noticed he was asleep. I picked him up and brought him to his room. I put him on his bed and walked away. I shut the door.

I should check on Nat.

I walked into my room and saw Nat was on her phone.

"Hey again."

She put her phone down.

"Hey. Is he sleeping?"


I laid down next to Natalya and put my head on her chest.

"He almost threw a fit because I wouldn't let him watch that damn movie again."

She started running her fingers through my hair. I put one of my hands on her stomach.

"Brittney's been moving around a lot today."

"How do you know that's her?"

"Trust me. I know. Thanks for putting everything together. I'm sorry I couldn't help."

"Don't worry. It's fine. I didn't expect you to help anyway. I feel tired."

"Then take a nap."

"I think I'm gonna."

I yawned then closed my eyes. I heard Eddie screaming and got up. I ran to his room. He was sitting up and crying.

"What's wrong?! What happened?!"

"Mean fish!"

I started hugging him.

"You're okay. What mean fish scared you? Is it big?"

He nodded.

"Does it have pointy teeth?"

He nodded again.

"Is it grey and white?"


"Oh! You had a bad dream about sharks? They won't get you. They live in the ocean. Hey I have an idea. Do you want to go see some nice fish?"


"Come on. Let's go ask your aunt."

I picked him up and brought him to my room.

"Hey Nat? Would it be okay if I took him to an aquarium or something? He had a dream about sharks."

"Aw he did? Call your sister and see if that's okay with her. It's fine with me."

I picked up my phone and called my sister.

*Phone Call with Tiffany*
"Hey would it be okay if we take him to the aquarium? He had a bad dream about mean fish aka sharks."

"Yeah sure."

"Do you want to come?"

"Okay. Can you come save me from hell then?"

"Sure. Nat's gonna get ready then we'll come get you."

*End of Phone Call*
"Alright let's let Aunt Nattie get ready then we'll go pick up your mom."

We let Nattie get ready then we went to pick up Tiffany. I went in and signed her out of school. When she got to the entrance we went to my car. At the aquarium I parked then we got out of the car. Once we were inside we grabbed a map so Eddie could show us where he wanted to go.

"Okay sharks are over there so let's not go by them."

Once we found them he wanted to stay by the dolphins. When we had to leave I picked him up. He started crying. We brought him to the gift shop and we got him a dolphin stuffed animal. He hugged it the entire ride home.

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