Chapter 14

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Greyson's POV
I heard crying and immediately knew my sister was the one upset. I got up and walked to her room. I listened for a bit before going in.

"I don't know how Grey hasn't killed me yet."

"He wouldn't kill you. He was worried about you. Every day he looked for you. You should've seen how broken he looked when he got the phone call. When I first found him and he was at my house he asked about you."

"H-he did?"

"Yeah. When I told him we got his stuff from your uncle he asked if I saw a little girl."

"I don't think I was home when that happened."

"Yeah I don't think you were. When I told him I didn't he was upset. He said "Great. Tiff is gone too." That was one of the first times I saw him completely broken. He really missed you. When he saw you I could sense his happiness. He was so relieved."

"He was?"

I walked into my sister's room.

"Yeah. I got you back. I got told I lost mom and dad then I got told she didn't see don't know what that did to me. I couldn't sleep that night."


"Yeah. I went into Nattie's room to talk to her. That was the first time I cried in front of her. I thought Uncle Scott hated me since Nattie said he blamed me."

The girls sat up.

"He did say that a few times. He thought you being alive was a joke. I lost my best friend. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared to make friends since I didn't know if they'd leave me."

"I thought about you, mom, and dad all the time. I cried myself to sleep I don't know how many times."

I sat down at the bottom of her bed with my legs crossed.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No. Not at all. You didn't ask for any of this to happen."

"Are you really going to kill him?"

"Most likely."

"What am I going to do about this mark?"

"Well you're too young to find your mate. Once he dies it should go away."

"Should I reject him?"

"If you want."

"Can you do me a favor?"


"C-can you make him suffer? Please?"

"I was going to anyway. He hurt my baby sister. He hurt an alpha's daughter. He basically signed his death certificate."

"Tiff we'll figure this all out."

"Do you want me to pull you out of school? Cause I will."

"L-let's see how it goes first. What happens when I find my mate? How would anyone want me?"

"If they don't want you then they can go to hell."

"Do you think I still get a second chance mate?"

"Hmm. I'm not quite sure actually. We were never taught about this type of situation I don't think. Listen. We all still love you. This doesn't change a thing. If you want we can lie about whose baby it is."

"Y-you'd do that?"

"Yeah. If that's what you want to do then we will."

"You have a long time to think about this."

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