Chapter 11

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Greyson's POV
We ran around the entire pack dealing with every single threat. When we were done we all got in the vans. We dropped my mom and cousin off at the hospital. They told me to stay but I knew I had to get back to Nattie first. I went back to our house and picked up the ring. Then I went to Peter's house. Before I could get to the front door she came running out of the house. She jumped into my arms. Her arms went around my neck and her legs went around my waist.

"You're alive!"

"Told you I'd come home."

"Is it over?"

"Yes. It's over."

She let of me and I took the box out of my pocket.

"Baby what happened to your face?"

"You should see the other guy."

"What's in your hand?"

I showed her the box and opened it.

"My body is really fucking sore from running around. If it wasn't I'd get down on one knee."

"A-are you-"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm doing."

"Yes yes yes!"

I put the ring on her finger.

"Hey I got someone you'll wanna meet."

"Okay. Who?"

"Well my mom's alive."

"She is?!"

"Yeah. Wanna meet her?"

"Hell yeah! Did you get looked at yet?"

"I told them I would after I came to see you."


"Yeah. I was gone for what? A day? I had to come show you I was okay."

At the hospital I let Nattie talk to my mom while I got looked at.

Natalya's POV
"He told me that you saved him."

"Yeah. I did."

"Where was he?"

"In the all female pack. They were all fighting over him. Loren was about to mark him when I found him."

"When did he propose?"

"Not even an hour ago. He said he's too sore to get on one knee. He said he's done killing people..I want to believe him but at the same time I don't think I can."

"I wasn't okay with Eddie killing either."

"You knew he was alpha?"

"Yeah. Did Grey find out?"

"Somehow yes. I heard him use his alpha voice."

"Trent or Stanley probably told him. Do you two have kids yet?"

"No. I told him to get me a ring first then we'd talk about it."

I talked to his mom for a while. After we had to leave the hospital we went back to our house.

"Hey I'm going to shower. Crap I have to call Tiffany before I forget again."

He kissed my head then grabbed some clothes then went into the bathroom. I laid down and went on my phone. When he was done he laid down next to me. I put my phone down and started hugging him.

"Ow! Please be careful."

"Sorry! I'm sorry!"

"It's fine. It's fine."

I sat up and started scanning his body.

"I'm okay."

I started crying.

"Your face is all bruised."

"Bruises fade. Cuts heal."

He kissed me.

"I'll be okay in no time. I'm back to being your Greyson. I'm not going to be alpha or beta."

"Did you call your sister?"

"Yeah. I'll bring her to the hospital in the morning."

A week and a half later his face was still bruised. He still had hand prints around his neck too. In the morning when he woke up I saw he was sitting up.

I didn't even notice his back at first.

"I have the ring. Now we can have the discussion."

He turned around.

"So can we?"

"Can we what?"

"Have kids."

"How about we get married first?"

"Oh come on!"

"I didn't say we couldn't start trying."

"If you wanna get married before we have kids then let's do that."

A few days after we had that discussion we got married. A week after that while we were at Scott's house. He started acting weird whenever he was around me.

"Grey? Can I talk to you? Alone?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

I grabbed his arm and brought him outside.

"Scott's been acting different."

"Really? Are you sure he's not just drunk?"

"I-I'm not sure. He just stares at me. He's creeping me out."

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to talk to him?"

"I-if you want."

We went back inside and I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. I wrote my name on it so nobody would accidentally take it. I saw Scott walk into the kitchen. I pretended to ignore him.

"Want some vodka?"

"No. I'm good. I don't drink."

I went to walk away but he stood in front of me.

"Please move."

He was so close to me I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Can you please move?"

He forced my mouth open and put a small tablet in my mouth. Then he poured the alcohol into my mouth. He held my mouth close until I swallowed it.

"See? That wasn't that bad."

"Actually it was. I do not drink. That was disgusting."

"Don't tell my nephew about us. You don't want to break his heart now do you?"

I pushed him out of the way and went to sit on the couch. Shortly after I sat down I started feeling weird. I didn't mention it to anyone. I just said I was going to lay down.

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