Chapter 23

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                              Brittney's POV
"We're going to one of my uncle's!"


"Ready to meet the alpha?!"

"What?! I-I'm not dressed for that!"

"Nonsense! You don't have to be fancy!"

"My legs hurt!"

"Same here!"

When we finally got to my uncle's house I used my key to unlock the front door.

"You're allowed to come and go whenever you want?!"

"For emergencies yeah. AUNT NESSA?! UNCLE TONY?! AXEL?! I NEED HELP!"

My cousin came running downstairs.

"I'm in the middle of school. What's wrong?"

"Holy shit! You're tall!"

"His mom said she's selling him to someone. We ran here."

"Shit! Fuck! Get upstairs. I have to call my parents."

I took Jesse's hand and ran upstairs. My cousin ran upstairs after us.

"I need to know what her deal is!"

"She's desperate. She probably just got out of prison. Shit! My dad might be out too! No no no!"

"Jesse what's going on?"

"One probably wants me dead. The other wants to fucking sell me."

"So your dad wants you dead and your mom needs money?"

"Yeah. That sounds about right. My dad hates me for some reason. Oh no! My aunt and uncle!"

He went to run but I grabbed his hand.

"No. You can't go. I'm sorry. Axe what are we doing? Where are your parents?"

"On their way back. Your parents know too."

Jesse started calling his aunt and uncle. When he finally got a hold of them he looked relieved.

"They're okay. They're still at work."

Once they found his mom he was able to breathe more. My aunt and uncle were the ones to find her. Jesse was still looking over his shoulder for the next few weeks.

"Hey Britt? Do you think I'm doing a good job at this whole being nice thing?"

"I can see that you're trying. I think it's going well. My family seems to think so."

I want to mark him.

Alyssa: Then do it!

I was too scared to mark him.

I should talk to mom or dad.

Greyson's POV
"Hey dad? Can I ask you something? How long after knowing each other did it take for you to mark mom?"

"I think almost a year. You want to mark him don't you?"


"Holy fuck I'm old. Anywho. Don't rush into it. You're 14. I think you should wait until you're 17 just to be sure. Although you're probably not going to listen to me. Little luna give it time. You won't regret it. Trust me."

At night I walked into my room and laid down.

"Oh come on! Really babe?"



"Oh. This is a different one. I got it yesterday."

Nattie laid down next to me. I put my arm around her.

"B was asking about marking Jesse today."

"How'd that go?"

"I told her to wait."

"You just don't want to deal with the fact your little girl is growing up."

A week later in the middle of the night I caught Brittney crying. I walked into her room. She wasn't in her bed.

"B? Where are you?"

I knocked on her bathroom door. I opened it and saw her with bloody wrists.


I ran over to her and started putting pressure on her wrists.


"I'm sorry daddy. I-I can't do it anymore."

"Do what?! What can't you do anymore?!"


Her shower floor was filled with blood.

"No no little luna! Stay with me okay?!"

"Dad what's going on? BRITTNEY!"

"Go get your mother!"

"I'm sorry. I love you..."

I started crying.

"No no no! Honey no! Don't go to sleep!"

Her eyes shut.


I heard Natalya on the phone with someone.

"Brittney wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

I screamed. I put in her the ambulance. We weren't allowed to go with them. I looked at my now bloody hands. I fell to my knees.

"I'm gonna follow. Grey go shower. I'll meet you there."

I picked myself up and walked inside. I washed all of my daughter's blood off of me. I put on clean clothes. At the hospital I couldn't stop crying.

My little luna!

They didn't let Jesse wait with us since he's not family. When she was stable I ran to the room she was in. Her wrists were all bandaged up. That made my heart break.

Why didn't she tell us?!

I could've stopped her!

"Wake up! Please! Little luna don't do this!"

We waited in the room for what seemed like forever.

"Hm? Where am I?"

I got up and walked over to the bed.


"Why am I in a hospital?"

She started looking around and picked up her wrists. She sat up.

"I-I did it? I thought that was a nightmare."

I woke up Nattie and Lex.

"C-can I go home?"

"No. You have to stay here for a while."

It hurt like hell leaving the hospital without her. It really did.

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