Chapter 10

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Natalya's POV

I turned to face the wall. I turned my head a bit. I saw Greyson step into the bathroom.

"You'll be safe soon. I promise."

I sniffled.

"Listen. I'm sorry. I really am. Are you mad at me?"

I shook my head. I saw him take off his clothes. He sat next to me on the floor.

"Baby look at me. Please..."

"I can't believe you killed people today. This hurts to know."

"Baby...I didn't want to do it."

                    Greyson's POV
"You're changing."

"What do you mean?"

"You've never once thought about killing somebody. It's like you snapped."

"I-yeah you're right. I guess I did."

"What happened to my innocent Greyson?"

"H-he's still around."

"He fucking better be."

She looked at me.

"I do not like the killer Greyson."

"Neither do I."

"Be honest with me. When they go to attack your old pack..are you going with them?"

I didn't answer.

"Of course you are. Great. Now I have to worry about if the three of you come home. Who's going to protect me while you're gone huh?"

"Baby I'm sorry...I don't want to go."

"Then why are you? Why are you going into full alpha mode?"

"I-I wish I could tell you."

"When do you leave?"

She looked away.

"You're here to say "goodbye" aren't you?"

"Nattie I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you."

She sat in front of me on her knees.

"Baby please don't be mad."

"Too late."

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her.

"I'll come back to you. I promise. I will. I love you."

"I love you too."

I got up and left the shower. I got dressed and went downstairs.

"She's not happy is she?"

"N-no. She's not. I broke her heart."

I met everyone that was coming with us. We came up with a plan then we left.

Cole: She's terrified.

"I know she is. I feel horrible."

When we got to my original pack we split up. Tony and Peter came with me. We went to the pack house. I picked the lock and we went inside.

Why do I smell someone familiar?

I followed the smell. It brought me downstairs to the cells. I heard coughing. I walked up to the last cell.


She stood up and looked at me. She gasped.


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