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The room is incredibly stuffy as murmurs of contemplation travel around, my words still hanging dangerously mid-air. Aleksandr looks me over with a contemplative look; he's trying to decipher whether I'm kissing his ass, or hiding something.

"Just think about it, we're trying to take down multiple packs at once." I lean forward gesturing to the large map on the round table. "There's a lot of ground to cover, and I'm not doubting the bloodlust that takes over on a blood moon but if we can tailor our attacks to each pack then it will make the job a hell of a lot smoother."

Zakhar hums beside me, as if considering my words for the first time, then finally he 'tsks' his disagreement. "But we don't have control when the bloodlust begins, we could plan until the cows come home but it means nothing if nobody listens."

"Well the task force would help us to know where to station before the moon takes hold. Not to mention keep an eye on our enemies." I counter, earning more murmurs of agreement as those present start to bend in our favour.

"A task force is unnecessary Alpha, it's a waste of resources. We already have intel on the packs, and I doubt that those dumb mutts can make any changes drastic enough to stave us off in just a couple months." Bogdan scoffs, his face twisting nastily into a seasoned scowl. "Besides, you are overstepping your boundaries. You are not Beta here, I am."

I suck in a sharp breath, making a show of flaring my nostrils and twitching a brow in an attempt to play it off as annoyance. Whilst I am annoyed, Bogdan is right about one thing, it will be hard for Dimitri and whatever alliance he scrapes together to make any real changes in just a couple of months. Even with this resistance framed as some task force, I need to find a way to buy them all more time.

"It was only a suggestion, are you threatened by ideas?" I ask with a faux politeness coated generously with venom, a dangerous plan forming in my head. It's rushed, half formed and could end with my death, but the demon in me rages. She knows this is inevitable, and she wants to draw blood. "Some of us like to use our brains, Bogdan. It's okay if you still haven't developed that skill yet."

I feel my blood run hotter in my veins, the demon in me begging to rush forth, to show this piece of shit his exactly where his place was. I kept the leash on her, fighting her. Not yet. Not just yet.

"You fucking piece of shit!" Bogdan hisses, looking to his Alpha and father to do something. When the man stood his ground doing nothing Bodgan seethed all the more, his pale skin reddening with his rage. "I'll put you in your place, right now."

"Fine, let's go." I crack my neck, heading over to the door leading onto the veranda. A few of the people gathered mutter in excitement and exasperation at the possibility of bloodshed whilst Bogdan follows behind me in solemn determination.

I step outside, the air is arid and almost leaves me parched when I take a deep inhale. If there is one thing that I hate, it's this heat; being at White Claw, closer to their mountains, left me with an affinity for the chill.

I pull my shirt over my head, exposing my inked arms, neck and shoulders both to preserve my shirt from getting sullied with blood and to intimidate. Every line of ink represented something terrible, was haunted by a life taken, a body mutilated, some sin or ill will that I had submitted myself to in order to earn them. And he knew it.

Bogdan shucks his own shirt, revealing his broad, golden torso. He is also inked- across his chest, down his sides, and on one of his arms; but he isn't nearly as covered as me. His father had only let him fill my shoes whilst I was gone because of his willingness to kiss his ass, nothing more.

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