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My arms burn, like they are going to fall off; they have been hung above my head for at least 2 days. I lost track between the pain and the passing out.

The wounds littering my body brings a new meaning to the word pain. Every time my ripped flesh would heal, new stabs and slashes are added to the collection. I'm certain that Aleksandr has punctured an organ or two, considering I'm struggling to breathe but it's a small problem in comparison to the rest of pain flooding my body.

Aleksandr is definitely having a world of fun hearing me scream, I could see the delight on his fucking sick face. Part of me wonders if he delights in just causing pain, he would pause his questioning to abuse me more. I know that I have to take it, to actively prolong this torture; I can't have him thinking that I've gone soft, but I know I also can't have him know that I've betrayed him either.

It takes everything within me to submit to him when all I want is to rip his goddamn throat out.

"I'm getting tired of asking. Why the fuck were did you leave? What were you doing there?!"

Another lash of the whip sears into my skin, I feel it wrap around my side. The leather cuts so deep it sends me swinging, gasping for breath through the blinding pain. Through blurry, disoriented eyes, I barely register the sight of my rib poking through my mangled flesh. I grit my teeth to prevent any cries from my lips, I will not give him the satisfaction. My panting grows heavier as I try to breathe through the pain; I have faced worse than this.

"Fucking answer me, bitch!" He screams into my face.

I'm still trying to catch my breath, my cracked lips literally aching with the effort to use them.

"I-I... I'm s-s-sorry... ma-master." I manage to rasp out. Goddess, I want to punch him. "P-p-please."

"Not. Good. Enough." He spits in my face, "And you fucking know it."

He gestures to someone on the side, who dutifully walks over to me with a large bucket before tipping its contents over my battered and broken body.

Ice cold, salt water.

My entire body contorts in a violent spasm, I can't help but let a scream rip from my throat. It's like fire and ice, burning and freezing all at the same time. I've never known pain like this before. I almost want to plead for my life.

"I-I went for y-y-you." I manage to croak. "To m-make su-re t-they do-n't know."

"What are you talking about!" He bellow. Of course all he would think of is saving his own skin.

"L-let me go." I grunt first.

He's taught us well enough to know that information is currency, and there is no way I'm giving him anything whilst I'm in a vulnerable state. He looks at me with a vicious glare; I guess sometimes he hates that I've picked up some of his cunning tricks.

"Cut her loose. Clean her up."

When my arms are finally unchained I fall to the floor. I can't move; my arms hang limply at my sides, my legs curled beneath me. My entire body shakes with uncontrollable spasms and shakes as I collapse into a naked pile on the grimy, cold concrete floor. My whole body searing in protest with the movement; the broken skin that touches the dirty ground burning and oozing worse than before. I don't even think that I can walk, my legs not strong enough to hold my weight.

I feel pathetic, I don't want Aleksandr to think that I'm weak. I want him to know what I'm capable of. I want him to know that the strength he cultivated in me, is what I used to destroy him with. When I kill him, and I will, he will know that I am a force to be reckoned with.

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