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I shift once more as the dark blue chair digs uncomfortably into my ass. I sit down with bated breath and a blank stare, waiting for Aleksandr to speak. He watches me with a critical glare as I shift once more under his gaze.

"You better hope that your explanation is impeccable, because I would hate to have to kill you." Aleksandr grunts, his deadly glare never once letting up.

He shoves the naked female on his lap away as he leans in further, giving me his full attention. The bitch pouts in disappointment, before giving me a once-over and a wink; maybe in the past she would've been a welcome distraction for a few hours, but for some reason the thought doesn't appeal to me. In fact the thought makes me feel wrong.

I turn back to Aleksandr, I have to focus if I want to seem somewhat believable. Not that I'm particularly distracted by the naked bitch on the floor, more uncomfortable by the way she seems to be undressing me with her eyes. Though if I paid closer attention to her over, I would've noticed the glazed look in her eyes; Aleksandr probably has her high on whatever experementive drug he's cooking.

"I infiltrated the pack to figure out how much knowledge about your plan was circulating- there were concerns going around that the plans were leaked." I half lie, tilting my chin up slightly in faux confidence. The more I could make it seem I believe what I'm saying, is the more likely Aleksandr is to believe me.

His eyes narrow as he scrutinises my form for any signs of dishonesty; he would find none. He had taught me how to lie a long time ago.

"What did you find?" He tilts his head in curiosity, stroking the stubble on his face. It makes a scratching sound, like dried twigs and I can't help but compare his greying stubble with Dimitri's full dark beard.

Whilst Aleksandr's looks older and unhinged, Dimitri is more youthful with a rugged sexy appeal. My mates voice is also darker, one that could tempt you into the most sinful of pleasures; how I had managed to get anything done in the months that I was there is beyond me.

I can recall the ghost of his touch against my skin; I remember every detail of the way it felt, how his touch was both teasing and tender. I have to fight to hide the smile that threatens to blossom. But I know that it's so much more than just that. It's him.

I really miss him.

We had left things slightly rocky- a rushed kiss, unspoken words and residual anger; all of that simply fuelling my need to get back to him. It's almost as if I'm practically yearning for him. These feelings are getting out of control.

I have to push them aside if I want to keep my cover. There is no way for me to go back, not now anyway. If I do, it will only look suspicious; I have to keep a low profile until I figure out either how to get out of here again or to help Dimitri from here.

Perhaps it was silly of me to have gotten entangled with him in the first place. Either way I can't help feeling that I would rather die today than live a hundred years having never taken the leap with him. Regardless of my regret, or lack thereof, thinking of him is dangerous.

I wonder if he's having as hard a time as me.

"From what I gathered, none of them suspected a thing, they're all stuck so far up their asses." I let out a snort before huffing for good measure, "Fucking arrogant pricks."

Aleksandr leans back, a lot more relaxed now that he isn't under fire. He pulls on a chain which I realise is actually attached to a metal collar around the bitches neck; I actually pity her- even from where I'm seated I can see how abused her skin around the collar is.

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