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“We’re prepared for our first distant meeting with the other Alphas, yes?” 

I look at the three men before me, the most dependable members of my pack. I rely on them for more than just pack business, perhaps I would even go as far as to suggest that they are my friends. 

They all look at me with equally severe looks, but much like mine it is much lighter today than the last few weeks. I am glad that for the first time in a while my men feel like they can breathe; that I feel like I can breathe. 

Perhaps seeing Arashi has helped, along with the general feeling that we’ve finally accomplished some real steps forward without some ridiculous curveball being hurled our way.

“Yes sir, all the progress reports on our end have been done.” Mikahil nods, looking down at the list that he has in his hands. He rattles off a few things so I’m aware before we go into this meeting. “The female training session has picked up, most of the women of the pack have started attending. I have ordered those leading previously to take over the mens sessions, and I will see to their training personally.”

Now that piques my interest; since arranging combat training for the females of the pack, there has been a notable shift in the overall atmosphere of the pack. Many of the women have shown great tenacity, and have developed stronger unreserved personalities— this I believe is a good thing. Arashi was right in saying our pack tradition was stifling for them; like planting seeds in the dark and hoping for them to bear fruit. 

“Was something the matter?” My brows furrow, as much as I’d hoped this change would be smooth I know it has been anything but. 

Where the females have been flourishing, the response from the pack males have been greatly divided. While a great number appreciate the new level of kinship it brings with their mates and kin, some men have taken a far different approach. Just last week I had to deal with a male who refused to initiate female candidates as Epsilon.  

“They refused to teach the females anything more strenuous than a few basic blocks. I believe the Alpha Female made herself quite clear so I made the decision to oversee the training myself.” Mikhail informs, a frown settling on his features.

He then flips the page, looking down at his report— reading and summarising the entire thing in just a few seconds as he has been trained to do.

“We are still working to introduce beginners training for the little ones. Some of the kappa feel it unnecessary to start them before they shift.”

“Good.” I nod with a rub of my chin, a flare of confusion sparking at his words. “Self defence training has always been a part of the pack curriculum, it has always been interwoven but is no different from what they were already learning. I do not understand the concern.”

“Alpha I believe the concern lies in the fact that with more focused training sessions, they perceive greater risk to their pups.” Alexei interjects, brows furrow a reluctant look stretching his features.

It does not last long, it is his job after all to tell me everything that my pack members would rather not tell me— being Alpha means that people only ever put forward their best with you regardless of how much you just want  to be normal.

“I also think there may be some misconception with the purpose, there have been rumours circulating that training pups from younger will increase the numbers of our warriors, as well as lower the age they can enlist.”

Heat fills my veins in a rush of emotions that I have to force down. After the amount of years I’ve spent as Alpha, trying to do what is right and best for my pack members, it is disheartening to know that some pack members may not trust me with the protection of their pups. 

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