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The next time I wake up, I have yet again- the familiar aches and pains of having had my ass thoroughly kicked and I'm in an unfamiliar room.

It has a dark colour scheme, with simple but necessary pieces of furniture adorning the room. The long blue curtains have been drawn shut, keeping outside hidden from view, by the clock beside me on the nightstand I know that it's still around midday.

It's Dimitri's room; his scent is everywhere completely taking over the room. I have to fight the urge to sniff his scent off the pillow beside me because it's both comforting and sexy to me. Even with our growing bond it isn't hard because I'm much more distracted by my own discomfort.

The warmth of the dark coloured duvet has me sweating, my back and neck were wet with the evidence. My entire body is uncomfortably hot, yet still, cold chills travel down my spine. It isn't anything like I've experienced before.

I try to search my memory for a clue as to how I got here, completely irked at the fact that all I seem to be doing lately is waking up in some kind of pain. I remember being in Dimitri's office and meeting Lady Azura. Then it struck me. The witch unlocked my mind, or whatever she had called it, so that I could access my repressed memories.

I then search my mind desperately for these lost memories, clawing at my consciousness for me to go further. However, I'm only met with frustration and disappointment as I once again come up empty. I want to cry-something that I would never admit out loud. I keep on doing things and I'm not getting any results; I feel like I'm just running in circles and I'm so fucking tired of it.

Maybe the Witch hadn't done anything at all?

But she did, I know she did. I felt it. In my brain and all over my body.

Maybe it didn't work?

I want to scream in frustration, it's so unfair. Even the last resort plan has failed, it's like a sign that I'm trying to fight an impossible uphill battle. No matter what I do, I'm always met with one obstacle after the next, perhaps it's fate for Aleksandr to commit mass genocide on the Werewolf race.


I will stop him. Even if it means I have to re-write fate.

What he wants is murder and is pure evil. I refuse to believe that any higher force of power be it the moon goddess, or the universe itself would ever want something as horrific as Aleksandr's plans to be put into action. It may be hypocritical coming from me; there's probably a seat in hell with my name written on it but still- I have to do something. If not for me, then for all the innocents that he would destroy if he really gets his way.

I roll out of bed pulling on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and one of Dimitri's t-shirts over my head. I quickly slip on some sneakers before heading outside.

I follow the stench of distinct smell of Epsilon- a combination of pure earth and sweat- until I find myself at the pack training grounds. Several men are milled around, Epsilon who aren't currently on duty, sparring in pairs or engaging in weapons training.

A few of the men openly stare as I walk through the space. Though after my last performance, I doubt any of them will approach me. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, minding my own business.

It's irksome. It's almost like they've never seen a woman training, though looking at their ridiculous pack traditions they probably haven't. The funny part is that I'm much stronger than most all the males here and could take them easily.

I begin rehearsing my training just like I'd been taught to; adding in a few extra kicks, tumbles and rolls. I'll admit, I am showing off slightly for the seeking eyes; I am a force to be reckoned with and I want them to know. I let myself get lost in my body's movements, letting my mind relax, to let myself just let loose.

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