Chapter 8

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Although they were only memories, the feelings you had still remained; they filled your entire presence and all the emotions and love you had for Buck came flooding back. Only one problem.. You knew what events came next..

You and Bucky ran away from war for as many days as you could to celebrate the engagement and it was the most happiest time you both had had in ages. Not worrying about the ongoing lives you both had to live, not thinking about work and the depressing side of life, just you and Bucky, living in the moment, together.

But you both knew it wouldn't last long. "Buck, we need you back. We've got a big mission" Steve's voice came through the rotary phone. Bucky sighed, hanging up.
"I'm sorry doll. I promise when this is truly over, I'll take you far away to somewhere as beautiful as you and we can finally be at peace together" he planted a small kiss on your forehead before packing his bag.

No, no, no, no. Fear washed over you and you could feel yourself start to hyperventilate but the visions wouldn't stop.

"Good luck lads!" The head nurse waved as the men lined up ready for battle. "I'll be back soon doll. I love you!" That was the final thing you heard from Bucky before they left for their final mission.

"I love you too Buck, be careful, all of you" they left and all you could do now was wait for their return.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes became hours and still no sign of the soldiers. Your heart was beating abnormally fast and you could sense something was wrong.

"Y/n" You almost lost balance with how quickly you turned to the voice. In front of you stood one of the Sargeants. But you could tell just by his expression that something had gone wrong.

"I'm sorry y/n" he walked up to you and opened his hand. There in his palm sat the gold Star lapel pin worn by Bucky Barnes and that was the moment your heart sunk.

"No. It can't be true" you wimpered under your breath "I'm so sorry. He-"

"Please, don't finish that sentence" you knew the truth, he didn't need to say it. But you just wished you were wrong.

Your entire life crumbled before you and all hope, happiness and harmony were lost. And so was he.

You remembered everything now, all the days spent at war, all the memories you made with Bucky and Steve- the joy, the pain, the heartbreak. But this final vision was the one you didn't remember at all- the part where you ended up 70 years later with nothing.

"We've got to do this y/n! The ships heading for New York" You and Steve had just defeated Schmidt but you hadn't won yet. If the ship hit New York, everything and everyone there would die.

You and Steve had helped each other grieve over Bucky but it would take much more time than that. You only agreed to this mission so you could take your mind off everything, and take your anger out on something.

"Steve there must be another way"

"There isn't. We have to do this y/n" Steve hugged you tight knowing what needed to be done to save the city as the ship began plummeting faster.

Your grip tightened, part of you scared and reluctant but the other part happy that you could be reunited with Bucky.

"Call Peggy. Say your goodbyes while you can" You handed Steve the controls as you let him have his final conversation with his love. It might've been your emotions taking over, but you couldn't help feel a little jealous that Steve got to say goodbye and you didn't.

"Okay, ready?" The line went dead as you took a seat beside Steve, grasping his hand "ready".

The water and ice became the only thing in your sight as the nose of the ship pointed straight at it. The speed built up and the warning signals began flashing and setting off sirens all around you.

"I'll see you soon Steve" you smiled shutting your eyes tight.

"I love y-" impact hit and the ship crashed before Steve could finish his sentence. Everything went silent.

"Now, I'm going to ask you again. Where am I" your eyelids fluttered open to the sound of Steve's voice. Was this a dream? Heaven? Hell?!

You sat up weakly, being met with bright lights and a woman standing in front of Steve. You looked to be in some sort of room in the city.

"What's going on?" Your voice was quiet and fragile. "That's what I'm trying to find out" Steve glared at the woman.

"Captain Rogers..-"

"WHO ARE YOU?!" At that moment, the door caved in and two fully armed men stormed in. "Y/n, get behind me!" Steve blocked you with his arm as he kicked the pair of them through the wall. Dust flew everywhere and you realized the room had been a simulation, a fake.

"Y/N RUN!" Cap grabbed your hand and before you knew it, you were being dragged through hallways and being chased by all sorts of people. You barely had time to fully wake up before you found yourself in the streets of New York, surrounded by modernized cars and officers.

You and Steve were cornered.

"At ease soldiers!" A man's voice came from one of the cars and again, Steve wrapped his arm around you, blocking you from any potential danger.

"Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there" a man with an eye patch walked up to you both "but we thought it best to break it to you slowly" you and cap exchanged confused looks "break what?".

"You've been asleep soldiers.. For almost 70 years" with all the cars and people walking around, the city fell deadly silent to you.

Realization slowly sunk in, and you knew you were still very much alive while Buck was still gone.

"Bucky" you whispered.

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