Chapter 20

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The following morning you woke up to Bucky's arm and leg flung over you. "Seriously" you muttered, inner face palming.

You looked over to the clock that read 12:00pm "again?!" Another late morning. "Hey, tin can, time to wake up" Bucky opened one eye slightly "did you just call me tin can" you nodded, trying to hide a smile.

"Let's go out for lunch" you nudged his arm slightly "lunch?!" Both his eyes shot open.

"Yep, we've missed breakfast" you wriggled free and went into the bathroom as you waited for Bucky to get up.

"Where do you wanna go Bellatrix?" You walked out of the bathroom staring at him in confusion "Bellatrix? That's the best you could come up with?" You rolled your eyes, getting dressed.

"Hey she was the first witch that came to mind" you both laughed as you finished getting ready.


You spent a while driving down the street, looking for the best place to eat. You eventually came across a little café decorated with fairy lights and plants. Definitely not Bucky's style.

"Table for two please" you took your seats by a window in the corner and began looking through the menu.

Food arrived as you and Bucky sat talking about everything and anything. "You ok? You seem a little off?" He sat down his fork, staring at you.

"Hmm? Yeah I'm fine" you came across quite submissive, going from speaking about everything to barely speaking at all. You didn't know what it was- something just felt off.

"Is it all this? Marriage?"

"No! Of course not, I wanted this more than anything" you tried to sound as promising as possible; the last thing you wanted was for Bucky to think you were having second thoughts. It wasn't anything to do with that.

"Then what's up with the face, the silence? What's on your mind?" He took your hand in his, holding it gently.

"Honestly, I just have a bad feeling about today. But it's probably nothing.. " you looked out the window to the grey, ominous clouds looming over you.

"Well whatever happens, I'm here" he kissed your hand "for now, let's get your mind off it" he stood up, requesting for you to follow him. He paid the waiter and walked out to his motorcycle waiting outside.

"Where are we going?" You asked as you got on behind Bucky, holding him tight. "There was this place I saw on the way here that I want to take you to".

He set off and soon he stopped down by a lake that overlooked the city. He helped you off the bike, taking your hand and walking you down to the edge.

"Well this is very romantic Buck, didn't think you were the type" you winked at him, sitting down.

"Very funny" he came and sat beside you as you turned and layed down, resting your head in his lap. He played with your hair as you took the chance to get a good look at his arm; you had spent so long with his human arm in the war, you still couldn't get used to it now being metal.

"Careful!" he shouted as you touched it, making you jump. "Seriously Buck?!" He burst into laughter as you hit his arm in annoyance.

The lake was peaceful; no cars, not many people, just you and Bucky and the occasional duck.
"Hey, I've got something for you" Bucky whispered lifting his hands to his neck.

You watched as he unclipped one of his tag he always wore "I want you to have this- I engraved mine and your name on it" you sat up, pulling your hair over to one shoulder.

"It's beautiful Buck, thank you" you felt his hand touch your neck as he clipped it in place "now don't expect me to be this soft all the time, it's the honeymoon- it's affecting me" you both laughed as you kissed him gently.


"Ok, ok hmmm-" you and Buck had sat by the lake for hours just talking and laughing- enjoying each other's company. You had somehow managed to get on the topic of the Avengers and what each of them would be.

"-What ice cream flavors would they be?" You both laughed, thinking of answers.
"Well Steve would definitely be Vanilla cause he's basic" you smirked, knowing that would make Bucky laugh.

"Oh definitely! Sam would be pistachio, cause no one likes that flavor and pistachios are just annoying, like him" you burst into laughter at Bucky going off on a rant "I mean, who thought it would be a good idea to sell nuts that are encased with the most hard to open shell in the world?!" You began to get a stitch from laughing too much.

"O-okay, uhhh Nat would be strawberry cause she's fruity" Buck looked at you "you think she's gay?"

"Uhhh yes! Have you seen her! She radiates gay energy but we love her for it" you smiled remembering a time when Nat flirted with Wanda while drunk.

"Ok... Thor?"

"Definitely something with alcohol flavouring. Tony?"

"Oh chocolate 100%, he thinks he's the best flavor when really there are many above him" you and Buck sat there laughing for a solid few minutes, giving each Avenger a flavor and cackling at each suggestion.

The sky was getting darker so you decided to head back to the motel before the night came around.
You arrived at the parking lot to see movement through your window.

"That's strange? Didn't we put the sign on the door that said no house keeping?" Bucky nodded, walking ahead of you to protect you.

He walked into the building and up to your door, with you following close behind. "Stay quiet" he carefully turned the handle and opened the door an inch. It made a creaking noise and suddenly Bucky was being pulled inside.

"BUCKY?!" you ran in after him to see a group of HYDRA soldiers restraining him with a gun to his head. "Don't move!" One of them yelled as he nodded for the others to grab you. There were too many to fight off- they smashed the window and dragged you both out to some sort of ship waiting behind the motel.

They shoved a black bag over your heads and everything went dark.

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