Chapter 33

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Thor made the first move- with one swift motion he shot into the air sending a lightning strike straight down onto Thanos.
Retaliating, you and Steve joined Thor in fighting him. You both threw strike after strike but Thanos just seemed to deflect them all like it was nothing.

You had no idea where the others were or if they were even still alive, all you knew is that this was the final battle- and you had to win.

You watched as Cap launched his shield at Thanos but it only seemed to bounce right off, not even the lightning from Thor was damaging him.
You had no choice but to use your powers, it would hurt like hell and weaken you a lot, but you had to try.

While he was distracted, you came up behind him and placed a hand on his back, instantly transporting you inside his head off your own will.

"Did you do it?" A little girl stood before Thanos, tears in her eyes.
"Yes" he sounded broken, beat. You recognized the girl from the description Nebula had gave- she was Gamora, Thanos's daughter.

"What did it cost?"

"Everything" Suddenly you felt restraint from inside your head. Thanos was fighting back.

"STOP IT" He grabbed your body and threw you against a rock, forcing you out of his memories.

"The girl. She was your daughter" he lifted his weapon and hurled it down beside you as you just managed to roll away in time.

"YOU KILLED HER DIDN'T YOU?!" desperately you tried to trip him up, make him feel guilty. Gamora was his weak spot.

"YOU SACRIFICED HER ON VORMIR! FOR WHAT? A STUPID STONE" He yelled in anger, punching you and again throwing you across the ruble.

"IT WAS FOR THE GREATER GOOD" you were pinned in a corner as he tried to stab you with his weapon. You quickly used your powers to force it out of his hand.

"It was for self pride!" You dragged him into the air, slowly strangling him as he gasped for air. You were so close, you could feel it, until out of nowhere Thor came swinging his hammer into Thanos, breaking your magic.

"WHY?!" You screamed at him as Thanos beat Thor to the point he could no longer stand. He was bleeding, curled up against a rock as Thanos took control over Storm breaker, pushing it closer and closer against Thor's chest.

The blade made contact, tearing his armor. Thor gripped the handle trying desperately to push against Thanos.

Mjolnir was laying on the ground at one end of the ruble "do it" you heard Thor splutter for breath as his eyes locked with his hammer.

You thought all the way back to that party you all had together- everyone was drunk and playing stupid games. Everyone took turns at trying to lift it but only you got somewhere. Surely you weren't worthy.

Either way you tried your best to summon it. Holding out your hand, you closed your eyes and focused hard in the hammer, just like in training with your powers. By some miracle you felt the handle fly into your hand as you hurled it towards Thanos like a boomerang.

It hit his back sending him to the ground, away from Thor. The hammer came flying back to your hand as if by order as you glanced over at Thor who simply smiled like a proud father.

The blissful moment was cut short by the weight of Thanos kicking in your stomach. You hurled over in pain but he wouldn't stop. You tried your best to fight back using both Mjolnir and your magic but he was too anger driven.

You managed to get a couple of hits on him but he kept coming, and no one was there to help you. Thor was practically unconscious now and Cap was severally wounded.

Hit after hit, you were sent tumbling to the ground, grabbing a large rock for support. Blood was pouring out of your mouth and you couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Y/N DUCK!" you heard cap's voice from behind you as you done what he said. Soon his shield came flying over your head and landing into Thanos. He turned to Cap and began taking his anger out on him.

They started fighting one on one and you knew it wasn't long before Cap broke. The state he was in was not going to get him anywhere.

Thanos striked over and over again and you could do nothing but watch. He took one final hit at Cap sending him collapsing backwards "no" you gasped as he lay there still, on the ground. His shield had been broken in half, his entire body was covered in dirt and blood.

You honestly thought he was dead until he started to stir. He strained to get to his feet as Thanos walked up to him.

"What I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it, very, very much" he clicked his fingers and a bright light shone through the sky. Once it had dimmed you could see thousands of aliens, creatures, things that were once dead- things you all had killed.

"Jesus Christ" you sighed as your head hit the rock in defeat.
"Guess this is it. At least I'll see Tony soon" you murmured to yourself, stuck in place.

All hope you once had was truly gone. There was only one of Cap and far too many of them. No one else was present, no one else could help. It was suicide.

Cap gained his balance, tightening his strap around his wound as a makeshift tourniquet. He staggered closer to Thanos "Steve, what are you doing?" You spoke through exasperated breaths.

The ground shook as more monsters emerged, some big, some flying in the air.

Cap opened his mouth to speak when all of a sudden a new voice spoke through his earpiece. Everything was so silent you could actually hear it yourself.

"Hey Cap, you read me?" He put his hand to his ear.
"Cap it's Sam, can you hear me?" It was so good to hear his voice, even if it was from a distant tech piece.

"On your left" suddenly one of Doctor Strange's portals opened up just a little behind Cap. You both turned to face it, but it wasn't Sam that came through. It was T'Challa, Okoye and Shuri. They were alive!

The thoughts that started racing round your head and they all led back to one thing, Bucky.

Just then, about a dozen more portals opened up while Sam came flying through the same as T'Challa's.
Strange, the Guardians, even Peter Parker came through next. It was a miracle.

More and more portals began opening as more of your soldiers emerged. You just knew Tony was somewhere in the sky watching with pride.

You're eyes scanned each and every one of them. You watched as Wanda came through followed by Scott in a gigantic suit holding Bruce, Rhodey and Nat. It was unimaginable what you were seeing.

Then at last, Buck came through. Your heart raced knowing he and everyone was alive and here. Thor had gotten to his feet and was now weilding both weapons and it was only fair you toughened up too.

You struggled on the ground, trying to find the strength to get up when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see Bucky standing there offering to help. You got to your feet and wrapped your arms around him tight.

"I'm so happy to see you" you whispered almost tearing up. "Never do that to me again!" You both laughed, kissing each other with passion. Hope was restored.

Everyone lined up in formation opposite Thanos and his team. You were ready to win this fight.

"AVENGERS" Cap shouted as everyone took stance, Bucky gripped your hand tight.

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