Chapter 25

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Weeks had passed and you were slowly on your way to full recovery; you were up and walking around, eating, drinking and speaking without your throat feeling like sandpaper. Your wounds were healing nicely and you were back to annoying Bucky and being your sarcastic self.

The group had gone on a few missions without you, but nothing too big, while you were pretty much housebound until you were strong enough, which was fine because Bucky had stayed with you most of the time- probably for protection.

You had woken up when you heard them finally come back from their latest one. Bucky was still sound asleep beside you as you overheard the Avengers talking about something to do with stones.

"She's ready. Should we tell her?" Steve's voice echoed through the wall as you opened the door and walked up to them, swinging Bucky's knife in your hand "tell me what?"

Your shoulder rested against the doorframe, the knife switching between your fingers.

"Why do you have Bucky's knife?" Tony crossed his arms, avoiding the topic.
"He left it unguarded" you smirked "now, what is it that you want to tell me?".

No one spoke up. "Don't all answer at once" you rolled your eyes, still playing with the blade.

"Does he know you have it?" Tony irritated you with his answer.

"No.." You sighed "look, I heard something about stones so it can't be that serious".

"Yes it can. And it is" Strange spoke up reluctantly, but he knew you weren't going to let this go.

"You've heard the stories of Thanos right?" His eyes darkened at his name.

You nodded "yeah, the all powerful, purple dude?" Your hands went up to make air quotes as you spoke.

"Yes, well he's real... And he's coming".

"Ok.. So let's kill him. Simple" you flipped the knife in the air catching it with one finger.

"It's not that easy y/n" Nat took a step forward "he's powerful, like really powerful". Tony walked forward to the table in the center of the group. He pulled up the same hologram that Strange showed the others only this one was a little more detailed.

"These stones possess something you can't even begin to imagine. Thanos is after them, and if he gets all six... Everyone is in danger" he flicked through them all, explaining the power each stone held.

"Each one is scattered around the world, Thanos and his army are going after them as we speak".

"So let's just get them before he does" you had just woken up and your brain was already being fried. Tony stared at you in annoyance "did this girl not listen to a word I just said?!"

You shook your head inattentively "nope".

Tony rested his head in his hand for a second trying to remain cool "they're scattered around! They could be anywhere and we won't know. Hell they might not even be on this planet!"

Nat cut in before Tony got too heated "we're planning to retrieve them all, but we need more information before we can do anything".

Just then Bucky walked in, pulling a shirt over his head "hey, has anyone seen my-" his eyes fell on his knife being twirled in your hand. "You might wanna run y/n" Thor whispered in your ear as Bucky's eyes widened in anger.

"Yep" you gripped the knife tight and ran towards the hall and up the stairs. "We'll continue this conversation later!" You yelled to the others as you heard Bucky come running right behind you.

"Y/N!" you laughed, running as fast as you could. Bucky caught up to you and pulled you into a room on the left.
"Not so fast! Get in here" he slammed you against the wall breathing heavy.

"Now where's my knife doll?"

"I don't have it" You tried to look innocent "I dropped it in the hall".
Bucky smirked, snaking his arm around your waist, making sure to purposefully brush your groin. "Is that right?" He grabbed and pulled the knife from behind your back, waving it in your face.

You rolled your eyes giving him a little smirk "you cheated".

Bucky leaned into your cheek and whispered "it wasn't a game". His teeth touched your ear tickling you.

"These little chases around the compound need to stop doll. I'll catch you every time" god he annoyed you sometimes but it was hot at hell. The teasing, the sexiness of him. You sighed, raising your eyebrow at him.

It was your turn to tease him. With one swift motion, you flipped yourself from under Bucky and pushed him in your place so you were now trapping him. You closed the gap between you both, making sure to grind up against him as you leaned in.

Your tongue trailed his neck and up to his ear "just you wait". Your hand slid down his chest slowly, but stopped just before his crotch. You winked and walked out of the room leaving him alone.

You made your way back into the main room to hear everyone arguing about something. You heard things about Thanos and then the stones but with everyone shouting over one another, it was hard to pinpoint exactly what it was all about. "Can everyone stop fighting and sit down?" You tried to speak but they continued to argue, getting louder and louder.

"I SAID SIT DOWN!" you yelled in your most authoritative voice as their heads snapped to you, all falling silent. And to your surprise they all sat down instantly, even Tony sat without question. It shocked you to see them finally listen for once.

"Now what the hell is going on?!" You looked at them all individually as Steve spoke in a hushed voice.
"He has the power stone".

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