Chapter 13

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*the night before the wedding*

"Ok, decorations check, cake check, dress, hair, makeup, flowers all check. God I didn't realize how stressful this would be" you sighed as Nat held your shoulder in comfort.

"Don't worry about it, everything will go according to plan" Wanda smiled, taking the piece of paper from your hand "exactly, and if anyone tries anything funny, we'll deal with them" Nat smirked hugging you tight, quickly joined by Wanda.

You and Bucky had decided to get married in a hall just down the road from the compound- Tony booked it out for you and pretty much paid for everything else along with it. It was kind of his way of apologizing for everything that had happened.


The morning came and you barely got a minute of sleep; you were too anxious about the wedding, not because of Bucky or your feelings for him but for the overwhelming bad feeling you kept getting.

All the girls had agreed on the same dress for you as Nat helped you into it "damn girl, if Bucky ever loses you, I'm taking you" you both laughed, it was incredibly nice to have her and Wanda by your side throughout everything, you had no clue where you'd be if they weren't.

"Ok, come and sit with me" Wanda called you over to a chair that faced your bedroom mirror. She raised her hands and began using her magic to fix your hair into the most elegant up-do you had ever seen. "Wow Wanda, you've gotta teach me that one day" she giggled, placing the final clip in your hair and letting you go.

"Alright, it's almost time" you took a deep breath and made your way to the hall, Wanda and Nat leaving first to get seats. Tony was waiting there for you to walk you down the isle, it was an honor to have him do that for you.

Behind the doors you could hear soft music playing and people talking, whispering and moving around. The nerves built up like never before as you stood waiting to face your fiancé for what felt like the first time all over again.

The music shifted to the traditional 'here comes the bride' and all voices instantly died. "Are you ready y/n" Tony opened his arm as you hooked yours around it and nodded.

The doors opened and you both began walking down the isle. All eyes fell upon you and you could see Bucky up ahead smiling like you'd never seen before. It was truly a magical experience.

You reached Bucky as Tony took his seat at the front. You took Buck's hand, smiling like a big child and the ceremony begun.

"Would either of you now exchange vows" Bucky looked you in the eyes and smiled "y/n, from the moment I walked through your tent to the this moment standing right here, I've never stopped loving you, even if you did forget me for a while" he chuckled slightly. "I still remember running to Steve after meeting you to tell him all about our conversation" you heard a few people laugh "doll, whatever happens from now, I want you to know that I'm with you through it all. Let this ring be a reminder of my love for you" Bucky took the ring and gently placed it on your finger.

It was your turn "Buck, when you walked through the tent my instant thought was 'uh oh, he looks like trouble' and I was right" you both chuckled "but one things for sure- I'm so glad I was the one looking after you because everything that has come from it is more than I could ever of asked for. Yes, I may have forgotten you temporarily" you smirked looking up at him "but I never stopped loving you either. I never want our journey to end. Let this ring be a reminder of my undying love for you" with that, you placed the ring on his finger and pulled out one more.

"This one's made from Vibranium for your metal hand so it won't break or slip off" you could see how shocked Bucky was but his face lit up the second you put it on him.

"Do you, James Buchanan Barnes, take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"And do you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, take Bucky Barnes to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!" Bucky pulled you to his waist and placed his lips against yours. The kiss felt different this time, pure bliss. You felt something trickle down above your heads and realized you had accidentally used your powers to create little petals and glitter that surrounded you both.

"Not more glitter!" Bucky sighed making you laugh. He picked you up in the bridal style and walked back down the isle with you in his arms as everyone cheered and clapped.


The day had gone well, people congratulating you both and giving you small presents, the feast was amazing and now the party had started. "May I have your hand in the first dance?" Like a true gentleman, Bucky reached out his hand, bending down to you.

You placed your hand in his as he spun you towards him. The song 'dream a little dream of me' began to play, just like in the proposal. Your bodies swayed to the music as he spun you around and lifted you with ease.

Everyone watched in awe, some humming the song to themselves. The song finished as Bucky dropped you down into a final pose. He brought his face close to yours and kissed you gently on the lips. A few more slow songs played, gathering partners and friends to the dancefloor; you saw Tony and Pepper in one corner although Tony looked very uncomfortable dancing, Wanda and Vision in another spot practically dancing in the air. Then Clint and Laura.

Over on the other side was Nat and Bruce who danced together for company and Steve and Sam who danced for jokes. MJ had to practically drag Peter to the floor but once she did he loved it. Thor sat in the corner drinking away and swaying to the beat while Nick and Hill sat together laughing at everyone rather unsubtly.

The music picked up and what was once romantic, slow dancing was now upbeat, chaotic fun. Everyone moved back to create a circle in the middle of the floor "oh we're showing off moves?! This is my time to shine" Thor had jumped up and was walking into the center "uh oh" you whispered to Bucky sniggering.

"Please don't dent the floor point break". Thor began break dancing and doing the most abnormal moves you had ever seen "midgardian weddings are fun!" Everyone began laughing as more and more people took turns showing off their moves; Peter being a literal acrobat, Steve doing the most old grandpa moves that you remembered him doing from the war, Sam going fully at it, and you and Bucky showing off a lift you guys had learnt back in the 1940s.

The night was going way better than you thought- that was until you heard the door burst open and two people came walking in...

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