Chapter 22

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"I can't.. " you collapsed on the floor, breathing slow and heavy, hoping for some air to enter your lungs.
"No, no doll, just a little further, I can see a building" he quickly dropped to his knees beside you.

"I'm sorry" your arms clutched your body as your insides felt like they were being ripped to shreds.
"Shhh" Bucky put his arms around your body and carefully picked you up before he continued to walk on.

You held onto his neck and buried your head into his chest, slowly fading in and out of consciousness.


"Oh, careful" you had arrived at a small, ruined house in the middle of nowhere. Bucky placed you gently down on the mattress that lay on the floor. You hadn't moved.

"Y/n?" Bucky sat beside you, resting his hand on your stomach. "Y/n, wake up" his voice grew hesitant "come on, wake up" he began to shake you gently.

You heard his voice in your ear as you stirred awake "hmm?".
Bucky sighed in relief "don't scare me like that".

You could tell he was weak and tired but not nearly as injured as you. "Are you okay?" He grabbed your hand as you squeezed it gently.

"C-cold" you could barely form words with how bad you were. "I know, I'm sorry. Come here" Bucky pulled you gently up into his arms as you curled into his shoulder and drifted back off again.

"Please.. Someone help us" Bucky sighed just quiet enough so that you didn't hear.

*At the Compound*

"Can't you make one of your portals and bring them back?!" Sam was yelling at Strange who stared back at him in anger "that's not how it works! I need to know EXACTLY where they are!".

"Guys! Cut it out!" Bruce walked in looking as beat as ever. "I can't find them. They could be anywhere by now".

Tony walked in "this is exactly why I didn't want them to go. Lucky for us, the wallet I gave y/n had a tracking device built in" he pulled up some type of hologram map "Jarvis, show me y/n".

The map zoomed in "I found them sir. They're just by the Adirondacks". Strange sighed "they'll freeze to death out there. We might already be too late" Sam hit his arm with force "don't say that! We'll find them in time!"

*back with y/n and Bucky*

Buck had sat you on a counter with great difficulty- he was growing weaker by the minute, as were you. He looked down at your leg where blood had seeped through your trousers. He pulled them down slightly as you shivered at his touch.

There was a deep gash in your thigh from where you had been sliced with something while falling. "See this is what happens when you jump off a ship after me" Bucky smiled weakly.

"I was trying to save you, idiot" you laughed, coughing in between. Bucky grabbed a piece of cloth lying on the side and wrapped it around the wound, pulling it as tight as he could. You winced in pain "sorry".

You tugged at your shirt, pulling it up slightly to reveal another wound, no smaller than the other. "They got me good" you breathed in agony. Buck took a deep breath, hating watching you in pain. He ripped off a part of his shirt and used it as another tourniquet around your waist.

"Here, this won't last forever, but it's something" he kissed your forehead as you watched him struggle to stay awake. "Get some sleep Buck, you need to rest" he shook his head, standing between your legs and holding your face "I can't, not when I know you're in pain".

You smiled, taking his hands "I'll be alright. I promise" you squeezed them in reassurance "go to sleep" Bucky nodded reluctantly and walked over to the mattress, knowing it was the best thing to do. "Lay with me?" He moved over to create some space as you limped over to him, almost collapsing.

*With the Avengers*

Steve, Sam, Tony and Nat had set off to search for you and Bucky- they knew where abouts you were but the tracking device couldn't pinpoint an exact location. They decided it would be easier to only have the four of them go in case they needed space.

"I'm worried" Steve broke the silence between them all.
"We all are" Nat spoke up, avoiding eye contact "but we need to be prepared for the worst... We don't know what they did to them or what condition they're in- it might not be good" her voice trailed off as if she didn't want to think of the possibilities.

Sam stood up rather sharply "don't say that". Steve stood up after him, holding his shoulder "Nat's right Sam, we have to be prepared, that's all" Sam shrugged him off, walking away "I am prepared".

"Guys, this won't be exactly easy.." Tony called from the front of the ship. The view was foggy and there was nothing but emptiness surrounding them. "I'll have to circle until we spot them".

*Y/n and Bucky*

It had been hours since you had been stranded, and you'd both fallen asleep in each other's arms.

The ship hovered above the building and Bucky woke when he heard it. "Steve?" He gathered himself trying to shout for help but he was too disorientated.

The guys all came rushing over to you both when the spotted the building. "Wake up y/n, t-they're here.. Y/n.."

Steve and Sam ran over to Bucky, helping him up "you alright?" He nodded "y/n.. She needs help.. Lost a lot... Blood"

"Ok, Tony's with her. Let's get you out of here" they took his weight and carried him out of the building while Tony crouched beside you. He scooped you up and saw a mass of blood. "Jarvis, check vitals" his voice broke, scared of hearing what was to follow.

"No life source, sir".

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