Chapter 17

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The Winter Soldier stopped and lifted his head to Zemo who closed the book
"солдат (Soldier)?"

"я готов отвечать (ready to comply)".

His accent was stronger and his voice deeper. His eyes were dark and lost as he simply stared at Zemo awaiting his command.

"Your mission- kill the Avengers, and anyone that helps protect y/n, bring her to me once you're done" the Winter Soldier lifted his head and nodded before walking towards Tony.

"Why?!" Steve shouted at Zemo who turned to face him "you killed people dear to me. This is revenge" he motioned to the Winter Soldier who was now fighting with an already beaten Tony.

Zemo walked out of the room, ordering the rest of the soldiers to follow him. It was just the Avengers against the Winter Soldier now.

"Clint! Nat! Come on, wake up! We need you" you had managed to crawl your way to them as you shook them desperately. They stirred but eventually awakened "what's going on?" Nat took one look at the mess that had happened.

"The Winter Soldier's back. He's trying to kill all of us" Clint and Nat got up, with your help, and sneaked past the Winter Soldier to get their gear. "BUCKY! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE" Steve was shouting over the punches being thrown his way. His shield collided with the metal arm as they continued to throw kicks and punches at each other.

Nat joined the fight, jumping on top of the Winter Soldier as he tried tugging at her. She continuously elbowed him in the shoulders and head but it was as if he felt nothing- he walked over to a table, slamming her down onto it. The wood went flying into a million pieces as Tony shot laser blasts at the Soldier but he deflected them all.

You had never witnessed Bucky or the Winter Soldier fight without being involved in it yourself but you now realized how incredibly skilled they both were. The Winter Soldier more so, probably because he had his mind set on only one thing, and it was as if his soul was missing- no feeling, no care for who he hurt. It was a little intimidating to say the least.

"Y/n! Run!" Steve yelled at you as you started to race down the hall. Suddenly you heard heavy footsteps come after you. You looked behind you to see the Winter Soldier power walking towards you. "Shit".

You reached a dead end as he closed in on you, he grabbed your leg, sweeping your feet from under you. Your head hit the ground "oh come on!" You grabbed your head, rubbing it trying to ease the pain but it was no good.

He lifted you up, throwing you into the wall "Bucky! It's me!" You yelled in both pain and yearn for him to snap out of the Winter Soldier. His metal arm wrapped around your neck, squeezing tight "B-Buck it's me! Y/n! P-please r-recognize me" you struggled for air as the blood rushed to your head.

His eye twitched and for a second you saw a glimpse of Bucky fighting back. He was still in there. "B-bucky! W-we're m-m-married" his fingers loosened a little, his eyes darkening even more- he was trying to fight it. Your eyes fluttered shut as you heard commotion around you and shouting.


"Well done Soldier" you felt yourself being thrown into a chair as Zemo's voice trailed around you. Carefully, you opened one eye to get a glimpse of what was happening.
You were in some form of HYDRA facility and there were machines everywhere.

"I'll take it from here" you saw the Winter Soldier walk out the room as Zemo grabbed your arm. You shut your eyes as he strapped you into the chair.
"She's all yours" Zemo spoke to a new person you couldn't see or hear but you heard shuffling surrounding you and heard Zemo walk out of the room.

"Wake up!" You were slapped around your face and your eyes shot open. A man stood in your face, displaying the HYDRA logo on his shoulder. "Good. We're going to have some fun, you and me" he picked up some sort of cap filled with wires and patches and placed it on your head. He connected it to a machine that sat beside you, turning it on.

Your vision went fuzzy and a pounding in your head caused you to scream out in pain. "That's a lot of energy surging through you y/n" you continued to scream, it burned so bad.

"The things we could do with your powers huh" he leaned into your face, his mouth contorting into a sinister smirk "go- fuck- yourself" you spat in between breaths.

He sighed in frustration, turning off the machine. "Such anger. No wonder you can't control yourself" he looked down to your hand which was now slightly glowing. You hadn't realized you had started to bring your powers to the surface.

"Why don't we take a little break hmm. Then the real fun can begin" he flashed a wicked smile before leaving the room. You wriggled beneath the restraints but they were too tight.

"Y/n?" Wanda's quiet voice called from behind you "Wanda? Is that you?" The chair forbid you from being able to look at her but you knew the voice.

"Yeah, it's me. They captured me during the fight. I heard about Bucky.. I'm sorry"

"Don't be, it's not your fault. Are you hurt? Have they done anything to you?" It was torture not being able to see her, to see if she was hurt or trapped like you.

"Not really, they just done the same to me as they done to you. But they'll come back, they'll hurt us- maybe kill us" her voice trailed off in despair. There was nothing you or Wanda could do; your powers were being controlled by the machines and the straps were way too tight to even breathe let alone move.

"Did Bucky not recognize you?" Wanda asked trying to think of anything to say.

"Not at first. He almost killed me, but I think he remembered something. I think I can get through to him".

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