Chapter 24

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Do you ever think, how did I end up here? Like you're in a maze, and totally lost, and it's all your fault because you were the one that made every turn?

You layed staring at the ceiling, lost in thought.

"Hey" you were completely zoned out you didn't even hear Bucky come in.
He sat beside you, placing his hand gently on your leg as your mind flashed back to when you first met Bucky and all the days you spent together- one in particular.

*flashback to war*

Buck placed his hand on your thigh flashing his charming smile. "Why are you sitting out here alone doll?"

"I just needed some air" you smiled weakly back, as the music rang through the doors of the hall. You had all came back from the most successful mission to date and decided it was a better time than any to celebrate. Well, except you.

"What's on your mind?" Bucky frowned, he could always tell when something was troubling you.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about my father"

Bucky sighed "he died in the first war didn't he?" You nodded, dropping your gaze to the floor "I remember the day he left. He told me to take care of my mother" you lifted your head to look at Buck "I still remember getting the news that he was killed in action. It destroyed our family".

You looked at Bucky in a way that was unfamiliar to him; it wasn't the death of your father that troubled you but rather something else. And he could sense that.

"What is it?" He took your hand in his, speaking quietly.

"My... Mother. When he died, she- she done something" you knew you must've sounded super ominous but truth be told, you were scared of how Bucky was going to react to what you were about to tell him.

"She had a break down and... Used magic?" You sounded as if you were questioning yourself at this point.

"Magic?" Bucky scoffed- you knew how crazy you must've sounded to him.

"Yeah.. This red stuff came out of her hands and she threw a table across the room. Hell she almost threw a knife at me if she hadn't of seen me first." You let go of his hand before continuing.

"She told me I had the same abilities. That I had the ability to mind control, move things and all that jazz. I didn't believe her at first but then one night, on my first birthday without my dad, I got so upset that he wasn't there for it that I somehow made the flames on my candles on my cake grow- hell I almost set the place on fire"

You could see Bucky trying to hide a little laugh but he was also incredibly confused "what happened?".

"After that, I never spoke of it again. I always suppressed my emotions for the fear of awakening whatever that was inside me. My mum left me- never explained why or what we had. And nothing's happened since".

For the first time since speaking, you met his gaze; he didn't look half as frightened as you thought he'd be. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that" Bucky grabbed your shoulder as you went to shift aside "no, don't be sorry. I find it fascinating".

You laughed "you do?"

"Yeah! I mean, all I've ever known is war and fighting- this is something new! Something interesting!" He started to get giddy with excitement as you giggled at his reactions.

"You do know we're gonna have to see" his voice turned serious for a second as you looked at him in perplexion "see what?"

"If you still have powers!" He rushed over to a plant that sat in a pot just outside the hall. He picked off a tiny leaf and walked back over to you, laying it gently on the floor at your feet.

"Try and move it"

You looked from Bucky to the leaf "are you mad?! I can't do that!" You folded your arms, furrowing your eyebrows at him.

"Of course you can! If anyone can do it, it's you" he stepped back a little to give you space.

"No, I don't want to risk damaging something or worse, hurting someone. Plus I don't have it in me, I can't control it".

Bucky stood up and walked behind you, wrapping his arms around your neck and whispering in your ear "yes you can. I promise you won't hurt or damage anything. Here" he opened his palm for your hand to fit in as he lifted your arm out in front of you.

He aimed your hand at the leaf and kissed your cheek "focus on the leaf, close your eyes if you have to".

Reluctantly, you listened to Bucky, closing your eyes and picturing the leaf in your mind. It took a moment but you could feel heat radiating from your palm. You opened one eye carefully and saw the leaf hovering just above the ground.

You gasped, lifting it higher so it was now floating in the air at eye level " SEE! I told you you could do it!" Bucky's voice was high and excited until another voice drowned his out.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" The leaf slumpted to the ground as your hand fell to your side. The supreme commander had burst through the door and stormed up to you both. His eyes darted from you to Bucky, and to the now lifeless leaf resting on the stone floor.

"Uh- nothing sir" Bucky stood up, unravelling his arms from around you. "Hmm. I don't know what the hell I just saw" he notioned to the leaf "but I better not see it again!" His finger pointed directly at you before moving to Buck who stood like a dear in headlights behind you "and you two better not be doing anything silly!" He turned on his heel and stormed back into the Hall leaving you and Bucky alone again.

Instantly, you and Bucky burst into laughter as he helped you to your feet "never again" you muttered, still laughing as you made your way back into the Hall to rejoin the others.

*End of flashback*

"Y/n?" You jumped at Bucky's voice, drawing your mind back to life. "Sorry" you sighed, now feeling all the pain in your body come rushing back.

"It's alright, what was on your mind?" His body turned to face you as he squeezed your hand gently for comfort.

"Just thinking about when we first met and how you helped me find my powers" Bucky smiled, now also remembering it all "wow, that was a long time ago" he chuckled "you've still got it" he nodded towards your head referring to your powers. "Mhmm".

"Hey, do you remember that commander?" You nodded and you both began laughing again like it had happened just yesterday "d-don't make me laugh.. It.. Hurts" you said through breaths of laughter. "Aha, sorry doll".

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