"Jerry, we need to go. Jerry?"
Looking around she found Jerry wasn't in the school house there was a few sheds on the farm so walking down the ramp she checked out the closest shed.
There was only a folk lifted in the shed along with a bunch of other gardening tools. Jerry was sitting on a milk carton. She wondered why he was looking awfully upset, but decided to push that aside for now.
"Jerry, come on we have to leave."
"Why?" Jerry asked as she tugged at his arm.
"We just do. Come on let's go and don't tell Smith."
"Why not?" Jerry asked with a frown refusing to move from the carton and pulled back his arm away from her grip.
"Because isn't an answer. Beside I like Smith she doesn't throw things at me."
"I'm still upset with you for taking my magic."
"I didn't take your magic not on purpose I was frozen like Neddy. Remember?" Jerry scoffed turning back to the floor.
Why was her cousin so furiously to deal with? Taking a deep breath in she leaned against the wall trying to ignore the cobwebs that clung to it even the spiders we're frozen.
"I'm pissed off okay."
"At what?"
"At you at what you did that day."
"I suggested..."
"No, you didn't. You actually took me to a therapist against my will."
"I don't remember."
"I had my Head Leader erase your memories along with changing my paper work. Because you had address me being a member of the Military. Which, I am not a member of the Military."
"I could get sued for that if the Military ever got wind. And, the whole of Magic Force would've gotten in trouble for it."
"So, the Military knows about you guys?"
"Yes, they deal with aliens and we deal with all things magical."
"Whoa, that's so cool the Military actually deals with aliens."
"Um, no they deal with evil snowman."
"Violet don't change the subject. I heard you. Are there aliens at area fixity-one?"
"No. What? I don't know. I don't deal with Military I just deal with Magic Force."
"Do they deal with aliens?" Jerry asked.
"No. No, we just deal with demons."
"Have you dealt with a demon?"
Why was Jerry more opened about Magic Force now? Before it was all, oh Violet what happened? It's okay Violet there's no such thing as magic. What you showed me was the trick of the light.
"I'm still in training alright, but all the professional Agents are down in another realm. Look the point is Jerry we need to leave and we need to leave now. We have to go before Smith comes back."
"But I like Smith. She's been rather helpful."
"Smith isn't who she says."
"Twenty-Five." Agent One said from the door. The stack of paper was still in his hands. "We need to go later on tonight because Smith is back. Keep her busy for a little while. I need to find a place to hide these papers."

ФэнтезиViolet Gershon was told to tell her family that she has magic and works at a place called Magic Force. Naturally, that didn't go as planned but the Head Leader of Magic Force wasn't known for his brightest ideas her older cousin decided that she had...