Violet started shotting. Taking mind worm down after another, but she was quickly being overwhelmed the twins we're chanting in unison it was Manon though that made Violet worry.
The woman was dashing up to the twins her nails had grown long and she let out an actually roar as she leaped for them. Violet tried to aim, but her arm got weighted down by a mind worm as it started chewing on the weapon.
"Enough," cried a tiny voice.
The fairy from before appeared before the twins and shot a beam of green light at Manon causing the woman to slam into a wall. Once she did the mind worms paused their attacks, but the twins didn't stop chanting.
"This is for what you did to our friend," the fairy cried. "Bring out the army!"
"Fools. Golden Eyes is dead you shouldn't be here," Manon cried out.
"By that logic you shouldn't have your magic. Let here we are," the fairy said followed by a whistle.
An army of fairies we're conjured all of them holding their wands up high and they started zapping away the mind worms while four fairies went after Manon. Violet watched as Manon attempted to take out her fairies, but without Golden Eyes her magic was struggling to even be conjured allowing the fairies to throw the woman around like a rag door.
The twin's eyes glowed green by the time Manon slammed into the wall again. She looked to the twins as she struggled to pick herself up.
"You wouldn't do this. Would you?" Manon said weakly. "Sweeties. My beloved daughters."
"Sorry, Manon but we don't have a mother," the twins said in unison.
Manon eyes widen in shock and Violet shot a laser beam at the old woman causing her to fly through the wall itself and slammed hard into the pole. Maybe now that woman might see that living forever wasn't worth it after all and being youthful won't help either. Because that was going to leave some nasty bruises in the morning.
A portal opened up and Violet smiled seeing Jerry returning back to normal.
"Whoa, what happened?"
She hugged him.
She actually hugged him.
She hadn't given Jerry a hug in years.
Agents started falling out, no really they fell out some of them landing on their back or on another Agent and only Younkin Kitsune landed on his feet before being slammed down to the ground by a fallen and very much alive Neddy.
"I'm okay." Neddy said.
"I'm not," Younkin said with a cough.
Agent One was heard screaming as he landed right on top of Neddy and Younkin.
"Less okay," the two said.
"Ow, I think I broke a bone," Agent One said.
"Yay, our friend back." The fairy cheered.
The fairies all started cheering at once and the mind worms seeing Manon started to back down like scared puppies.
"Now, I believe we have a problem here," Younkin said. Picking Agent One and Neddy up by their collars with ease before placing them on the ground. He walked up to the twin's hands on his hips and looming over the two.
The twins let out a small scream of fear and ducked behind Violet.
"Head Leader. The twins they helped everyone out of the other realm," Violet explained sheltering the twins.

FantasyViolet Gershon was told to tell her family that she has magic and works at a place called Magic Force. Naturally, that didn't go as planned but the Head Leader of Magic Force wasn't known for his brightest ideas her older cousin decided that she had...