Violet heard a scream, but it wasn't her's nor was it, Jerry.
For a second, she thought it was One, but One was frozen. The scream though sounded male and it sounded in pain.
"You fool. You take me out and you take away magic." A roar soon followed.
Then it was dark.
Violet woke up again at least she thought she had woken up again there was purple smoke and she found herself staring at bright golden eyes among the mist of the smoke.
"You must know," the dragon said.
"Must know what?"
"You must know," the dragon roared.
The roar was so loud it had hurt Violet ears and as she closed her eyes in pain overwhelming emotions flowed through her, but it wasn't her emotions.
"You must understand that we all have a story to play and the twins are no different."
Anger. Boiling rage, but it wasn't her rage.
"You must understand that there are still good in the two, but they need someone else help to see this."
"It's not my job to fix people," she snapped.
She tried to block out the pain, but was unable to and then the rage stopped but she felt cold. A coldness in her heart.
"I never said it was your job to fix people," the dragon scoffed. "Words are more powerful than any blade. They are more powerful than any gun. But in order to fully use that power you must completely understand one's past."
"To reason. You will find not every battle needs to end with someone being dead and since the twins can't die. Having them on Magic Force side is better than having them against it."
"Manon can't die," Violet protested.
She wanted to cry at how deep the sadness was. Their mother was an awful, awful woman. She started begging her own late grandmother for ever comparing the two.
"Their mother is a lost cause," Golden Eyes said before letting out a roar of pain. "Manon had lost her ways years ago. By the time someone noticed her heart had turned cold it was too late to change her mind. She was stuck in her ways and wished to be youthful for ever. But the spirits of magic clearly saw that she wasn't fit for such a job and instead of making her youthful it turned her into the very thing she had tried to avoid and age her. Ensuring that she can never die. That is her curse. The twins though are still young and while they can never die. They can be reason. And, now you know that the pair are working with their mother thinking that they will finally get her approval I ask you this question Violet Gershon. Friend or foe?"
Violet gulped. She saw the pain in Golden Eyes and she understood that Smith was actually going through her plan in destroying him. Let he stood strong despite it giving her the last bit of information to ensure a different outcome will take place.
"The twins are evil though," she stupidly called out.
Golden Eyes, eyes had widened either out of shock and pained followed by a large painful roar. A roar so powerful that it blue Violet away causing her to wake up to find that she was being held hostage.
"Hey," Jerry said casually.
The two cousins we're tied to a chair with rope around them not a problem Violet knew how to escape such a situation she was taught by Magic Force after all. Then it dawned on her. She didn't have her magic because Jerry somehow ended up with it then another thing dawned on her. The only pocket knife was in Agent One bag and Agent One took that when Golden Eyes sent him to that weird realm place.

FantasyViolet Gershon was told to tell her family that she has magic and works at a place called Magic Force. Naturally, that didn't go as planned but the Head Leader of Magic Force wasn't known for his brightest ideas her older cousin decided that she had...