They ran to the back where street lights we're heard being smashed time and time again.
Agent One opened the gate to the swimming pool. Agent One opened into another small shed that had a few bags of salt along with other tools to help clean the pool. But Violet knew he wasn't here for cleaning the pool.
"We need to make a run for it. The moment this base opens up it will trigger everything else."
"Will it open up though the world frozen," Jerry said.
"Jerry makes a point even the spare base the power was going out," Violet said.
"Home bases work a little different. Which is why we need to be quick and be as fast as possible because once those doors close it will not only alert the twins where we are. But it will also close the doors on us, but from memory Eighty-eight does have a back up power that ran on magic."
"It ran on magic?" Violet asked she had never heard such a thing.
"Yeah, it's still in the testing stage. Younkin was going to make it a must have for all bases this year... and bingo I found you."
Agent One pulled apart of the shed wall and tossed the tin to the side. Violet looked to see a hole in the shed wall that looked like a big box a box glowing with something bright green. It even had sparkles inside.
"Spell caster magic. But the moment Smith finds this means she can use it against us. So, we need to rush into that base as fast as possible."
Violet nodded her head and Agent One pressed some buttons to the side while the pool water itself started to drain as if someone had pulled the plug.
"Whoa, what's happening?" Jerry asked.
By the time the pool was done draining there was no water left inside at all.
"There wasn't a hole underneath the pool. The pool was the hole," Violet said.
The bottom of the pool started opening up and steps we're seen. A loud screeching was heard in the distance and the floor of the pool started to close up again.
"Go," Agent One ordered.
Jerry, Violet and Agent One ran down the steps as the mind worm jumped over the shed roof and flew after them, but the mind worm was unable to get to the three because the pool floor was closed making it terribly dark. Violet pulled out her laser gun cube that she kept in her PJ's front pocket and the gun was formed in her hands followed by One and Jerry's laser gun as they brought out their own.
"How do we open the doors?" Violet said running into a door.
"Stand back," One said.
He pointed his laser gun at the door and the door shatter opened the moment the green light made impacted.
"Ah, much better than a gun." Agent One said dreamily.
"Cool," Jerry said in awe.
"This way."
The three was about to move again only for the worst happened when Agent One was hit by a blast of red light. He slammed right into the wall.
"One," Violet screamed in horror.
"Alright, so you we're right they are here," one of the twins said.
"I told you the machines wouldn't go off unless someone else broke into the base."
"I just thought these three would be frozen by now."
"No, but I bet you the old man dead," one of the twins said with a laugh.
Jerry shot at the twins with laser, but they counted back with red light sending him flying into the wall.
"Really? You would attack a six-year-old?" one of the twins asked sweetly.
"Yeah, and evil six-year-old that wants to freeze the world," Jerry said as he helped himself up.
"You okay One?" Violet asked. Helping One up of the ground.
"I think so..."
"One? One?"
One was frozen.
"Change him back now!" Violet ordered.
One of the twins shrugged her shoulders. "No, can do. But look on the bright side. He isn't dead."
Violet attacked with her laser gun, but screamed when she found it shattering in her hands. She turned to see Smith with seven mind worms at her feet. The old woman shot a glare at Agent One, but a portal formed underneath the black man and the old man was gone from the base.
"Golden Eyes," she sneered. "You two handle the Gershon. I'm off to deal with Golden Eyes."
"But mother the plan," the other twin said.
"Sis, is right. The more the world stays frozen the higher chances there are of us becoming frozen. The plan needs to take place now and the male Gershon is right here," one of the twins said.
Smith glared at the twins with so much bitterness and rage that it made Violet pity the pair. No, daughter even if they couldn't age should be stuck with a mother like Smith.
"What have I said about calling me mother?" she snapped.
"Not too," the twins said.
"Good. And, I'm the one calling the shots around here not you too."
Jerry didn't seem to care for evil bad guys dialogue though and shot at Smith with his laser gun. But Smith swiped it aside hitting Jerry once again forcing her cousin to slam into the wall once more.
"The more time you waste the more time flies by. Deal with the Gershon. Get rid of the girl, but keep the boy. Mind worms with me," Smith ordered.
"Jerry?" Violet asked.
Violet slammed into the wall as one of the twins shot magic at her. The last thing she saw was the world going black as she drift of to sleep.

FantasiViolet Gershon was told to tell her family that she has magic and works at a place called Magic Force. Naturally, that didn't go as planned but the Head Leader of Magic Force wasn't known for his brightest ideas her older cousin decided that she had...