She swapped her jeans for trousers and swap her shirt for a cleaner one and Golden Eyes took the three back to the surface world.
"Where are we?" Violet asked. She looked around, but the place wasn't anywhere she had been before.
There was still an ocean though she could hear the waves hitting the land and she saw it in the distance. There we're people around, but they we're still frozen along with a lot of dogs so she figured it was some sort of dog park. There we're trees some tall some short, some looked newly planted and the grass was green. There was a fence to her left and on the other side of the road we're houses often two storages houses.
"It doesn't look like Newcastle," Violet admitted.
"It isn't. We're at Lake Macquarie. Fairly close to Newcastle and fairly far away from Muswellbrook," Agent One said.
"I hope you guys know your way around than because I've never been here. I don't think I even drive through here," Jerry said. His eyes looking around.
"Where about's in Lake Macquarie?" Violet asked.
Agent One figured around with the map while Violet saw a blue sign in the distanced, she wandered over towards the sign with Jerry tagging along.
"Bennet Park," she read.
"Yes, yes I know. And, no don't just point there that isn't the right location at all," Agent One sighed as he pulled the map away from something. She took it as a sign that the fairy had just returned back to the surface world and seemed convinced into trying to help Agent One even though Agent One didn't seem like he wanted help at all.
Violet eyes glanced around she saw a public toilet, along with a children play area lots and lots of benches and wooden chairs. It seemed fairly busy for a park, but she was used to a pack full of people for the parks we're always full at Newcastle. It seemed nice.
"We're at Bennet Park," Agent One said.
"Isn't that what you just said?" Jerry asked Violet.
"Wow, so that's where we are," Violet said playing along. She nudged Jerry in the shoulder who winched but nodded.
"Took me a little while to find. These map pages are always so big," Agent One said figuring around with the large paper. "I oddly used to be against GPS, but now I'm kind of glad they existed. Shame it keeps taking me to some hotdog area that I do not want to go to."
"Why didn't you just get a GPS?" Jerry asked.
"How long has your phone been dead for Gershon?" One shot back.
There weren't any power points at the farm house at least not ones that worked. And, Violet left her phone back at Newcastle seeing that there was nobody else left to call. She didn't think Agent One had a phone he either did and left it at the farm house seeing as it was a bit pointless where there we're now only three people left in the world one of them a crazy old woman that wanted to kill them.
"I think my phone back at my flat. I didn't take it with me when the twins held me hostage," Jerry said. "But I say it will be dead by now. Either that or it forever still on thirty-seven percent."
"It was that low?" Violet asked.
"The power on your phone still stays the same it just takes a lot longer for it to drain. You can barely do anything on it though there's no bars left because the world frozen. The internet not working because the world is frozen and when I tried to get onto mine. It kept glitching. No, doubt the tech was picking up something being wrong with the world, but it was unsure on what."
"And, you know this how One?" Violet asked.
"Because my phone died a week ago. That is how I know," Agent One said. Holding up his phone that wouldn't turn on no matter how hard he tried. "That's why I didn't get a GPS. Because there's no internet. There's no single anywhere. Beside Muswellbrook don't sell them. Now, where we're oh right the park. I think there's base here somewhere."
"A base, will it take us to Newcastle?" Violet asked.
"It should. All the bases are linked by underground tunnels. It should be able to take us to Newcastle. There's just one problem."
"The problem is?" Jerry asked.
"It's in that house," Agent One said. Pointing to the two storage house that was in the distance.
The walls we're lightly painted with a big red and orange driver way the house looked strangely new, but the mail box was horribly old. It was fairly simple and white, but even from the distance Violet could see it slowly breaking of its hedge. There was a garden of flowers beside it all sorts of flowers bloom from red to yellow to light orange. The front door was wooden with a glass window beside it and Violet could see more windows on the other side where currents we're blocking the view to the inside of the house.
"Are you sure? I've never heard of bases being in houses before," Violet said. As the three climbed over the park fence and crossed the road.
Bases we're normally behind walls like the ones at Golden Eyes. She had never heard of a base being apart of a house before.
"Yep. That's old Agent Eighty-eight house. Nice woman she was, but there's a base right under her house."
"Past, away last spring."
"Oh. But if the house was brought by someone else, wouldn't they know it?"
"Nope, not at all. It's guarded by a password that only Eighty-eight knew at the time."
"So, does that mean we're stuck here?" Jerry asked.
"Fear not. You happened to be looking at the guy who knows all the password to any Magic Force bases that happen to be under houses. Trust me. It happens a lot more than you think."
They got to the wooden door and found it locked. Violet tried to peek through the windows to see what was inside, but it was pointless with the currents down. She wandered to the side to see a silver gate sitting beside another gate. The gates we're another doorway to the house backyard.
"Guys, I found another gate."
She tried to open the gate, but found it was hopeless because it was locked. She opened the other gate beside it and found that one opened rather well. But once she peek inside to the yard she noticed the gate beside the silver gate was just a doorway to the backyard to the house next door. Climbing the silver gate she hopped on the ground and wander into the backyard. She glanced around to see it covered in green glass and a swimming pool in the distance, but there was a shed and the shed door was opened.
Wandering what it would lead too she wonder towards the shed door and noticed it was awfully dark inside. Behind her was a stack of tools and tools boxes while some old fridge's along with someone car, but there was another door. The door wasn't locked allowing her to open it and she entered the house to unlock the front door.
"Thanks, for that," Agent One said. "Now, I remembered why Eighty-eight kept that back door locked. Come on Gershon."
"Coming," Jerry said. Her cousin had been looking around at the flowers before he came inside. The steps we're covered with carpet leading up to the second floor.
"There's a car here. So, wouldn't a family be here?" Violet asked.
Some families we're still inside the houses at Muswellbrook just frozen.
"There would be. But there frozen like everyone else. I suggested tonight we rest because I just needed to remember where this doorway to Magic Force base was." Agent One said wandering around the hallway.
"I call the beds upstairs," Jerry said. Skipping up the steps.
Violet closed the door only to pause she saw movement nearby, but when she glanced to take a good look at it. Whatever it was had been long since gone. Raising an eye brow she closed the door making sure it was locked. She also made a note to pull down the shed door.

FantasiViolet Gershon was told to tell her family that she has magic and works at a place called Magic Force. Naturally, that didn't go as planned but the Head Leader of Magic Force wasn't known for his brightest ideas her older cousin decided that she had...