A week later and not much had changed.
The four had moved out of the small town onto a much bigger town that actually had internet connection allowing Agent Smith to work away, It, was the same call over and over again. The same message for each Agent they contact. Being under attack by mind worms, other Agents missing before the attack came some knew the twins, we're behind it and others didn't. Each time they contact and Agent they would find themselves with a new lost and soon the small hand full of Agents left around the world was quickly being limited down to just the four of them.
The Agent One.
Agent Smith one of the higher ups.
Agent Twenty- five a magic user at best, but a rookie at worst.
Agent Fourteen no better than Agent Twenty-five. No, supplied. No, body to contact, the world still frozen and the only good thing about it all was that they could eat food without paying, but even the food was running short. Without anyone making power the lights we're turning off leaving the food like meat and even some vegetables hard to come by.
Leaving Agent One to do some research on nearest fruit and vegetable fun at least that way the four had something fresh to eat. Can food, was okay, but there was only so much can food one could live on before Violet and the others became sick.
Not to mentioned the four of them seemed to be the only ones left who will likely age and still need to eat. The people frozen in time around them we're not at all bothered by the lack of food. None of them seemed to be losing weight at all not even the animals.
Violet felt helpless.
She was still mad at her cousin, but she really wanted to go back to Jerry. He was the only living family member she had left and he was still stuck frozen in time. Watching some old comedy movie that Violet would've hated. The only good thing out of all this is she had recovery, but Agent Smith or Agent One had no clue what had gone wrong with her in the first place. They also didn't know what the needle she had felt before passing out was. For all she knew it might be a drug that made her more powerful or a drug that was going to kill her.
"This is pointless," Neddy muttered. "We don't even know where any of the Agents are."
"I have fairies working on it as we speak. If anyone can find where this world is than it can be them."
The world froze a second time losing it colour turning black to dark blue. The Agents around her froze with it and Violet looked around stepping out the old RV that the four had been travelling in for the last week and onto the open road. There, wasn't any voices this time, but she also wasn't here for voices. She was looking for something else, will someone else.
"Hello." She called out. Her voice didn't even echo back. "Hello. It's me Violet. I just want to talk."
She heard laughter than she remembered what Agent One said. Never give your name to the fairies.
"Violet?" one voice echo back. She gulped.
"Um, no. It's actually..."
"Nah, I heard what you said. You said Violet."
A pair of glowing eyes appeared in the mist of darkness.
"Hello, Violet."
The laughter she had heard was high pitch that sounded as if it had belonged to a child. The voice of the golden eyes though seemed deeper than she wondered.
"Do you have a connection to Golden Eyes?"
She felt a breezed around her it was cold like early morning frost it even sounded like early morning frost.
"A connection the girl says. I am Golden Eyes."
A face appeared around the golden eyes followed by a long, long, long body. It moved side to side like a snake coloured in pale pink while the face was covered in a golden mane,
"You mean Golden Eyes is based on something?"
"Of course, it is and I am him. So, tell me. What is a switcher doing here?"
She never thought Golden Eyes was actually real. She figured it was just can spray on by one of the Agents who thought the colour gold was cool.
"The world frozen."
"Yes, because of you."
"Me? I did nothing."
"The world is frozen because of people like you."
"Magic users?" Violet asked.
"No. Switchers. You will feel it soon."
"Feel what?"
"Your body tell me Ms. Gershon. How is your body?"
"I'm fine."
"After you collapsed for no real reason?"
Her legs started to shake.
"The twins known as Trouble Time are causing the world to freeze by stealing magic from those who can switch. Thankfully there is only three of you in this world and two of you are currently dead because of the twins."
"If those two we're dead. Agent Smith would've told me."
Golden Eyes let out a chuckle. "Smith? You'll think that woman will tell you everything? She's too busy to find the other agents and caring about switchers is the least of her problem."
"But they would be Agents, wouldn't they?"
"That doesn't mean she noticed and if she did, noticed she wouldn't have care. Here's a little fact about Agent Smith. Do you want to know why she became a higher-up?"
Her legs felt really weak, her arms started to shake again and a jolt of pain flashed up her side but she thought that was over. She sored that was over. Wasn't it? After all the strange pain hadn't bothered her for a week.
"She killed the last higher-up when nobody was looking."
"People would've noticed."
"Would they? People go missing all the time. They get killed all the time and unless there under the age of ten not many of them are ever searched for again. Magic Force is no differences. She doesn't care about you nor the Agents who are with her."
"Your wrong," Violet splat back. "Smith is helping us find any other Agent that is still standing."
"The more she does the less help you four become. The more she does cause the other Agents to lose their focus ending up dead themselves. So, how is that helpful?" Golden Eyes asked. "And, do tell me. How did she get to Muswellbrook from Newcastle?"
"I was out asleep for two days. The trip between Muswellbrook and Newcastle only takes half an hour."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really. I think your just nuts. I don't know how creatures like you can live in a place like this, but I think you've been here for too long. End switch."
The world returned back to normal and even though the world was still frozen it had lost it's dark and blue colour, but then Violet started struggling to breathe. She tried to call out for help, but find herself falling to the ground. She stopped herself from hitting her head as her hands made contact with the road. There was still strong pain in her side and she let out an agony scream. She felt something leave her body and for a second, she thought her soul was actually leaving her body.
It wasn't though it was a long jet of silver flowing out her mouth. Her vision got blurry, but she saw Neddy running out of the RV with his eyes wide open.
"Violet," he screeched.
She didn't know how.
She didn't know why.
And, she had no proof.
But Violet Gershon was sure she was losing her magic.

FantasyViolet Gershon was told to tell her family that she has magic and works at a place called Magic Force. Naturally, that didn't go as planned but the Head Leader of Magic Force wasn't known for his brightest ideas her older cousin decided that she had...