Playing cupid to get date

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Episode - 15

"Then it's a date"

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"Then it's a date"

"Morning," Y/n heard when she closed her house gate and saw Kyung Woo leaning against the wall.

"Morning," Y/n replied as they both started to walk.

"The couples went back to form," Kyung Woo said, and Y/n chuckled.

"Yeah, but you know," Y/n looked at Kyung Woo and motioned for him to come closer, which he did.

"Ja Rim started to fall for Joo Young. She now likes him," Y/n said.

"Really? Oh my God, finally," Kyung Woo exclaimed.

"You shouldn't say it to anyone, including Joo Young, okay?" Y/n asked, and Kyung Woo nodded his head, happy for Joo Young.

They both sat in the bus next to each other, playing games on their phones. Kyung Woo glanced at Y/n from time to time, hesitating to ask. Finally, he asked, "Y/n, why don't we go to an internet cafe?"

"Sure, let's go," Y/n agreed.

"Then it's a date," Kyung Woo said, and his heart started to beat faster.

"What?" Y/n asked, clearly surprised. "D-date?" she asked, her voice trembling, making Kyung Woo nervously laugh.

"Ju-just kidding," Kyung Woo said, teasing her as he flicked her forehead, causing Y/n's cheeks to turn red.

Kyung Woo sighed in relief, thinking she might reject him, but then he noticed her blushing cheeks.

"Why are your cheeks so red?" he asked.

"Um, um," Y/n touched her cheeks. "It's so hot today," she said, trying to hide her embarrassment. Kyung Woo nodded, and they returned to their game. Y/n scolded herself for blushing, her heart racing a bit faster as well.

Both thought to themselves, "I should be more confident."

They both entered the hallway and saw Joo Young and Ja Rim talking.

"Why am I not in the same class as you?" Joo Young asked Ja Rim, causing Kyung Woo and Y/n to exchange disgusted glances.

"Aish! This is why I tried to avoid them," Y/n said as Byeong joined her.

"Good morning," Byeong greeted his friends.

"Morning," they both responded, and the school bell rang.

"See you later," Kyung Woo said to Y/n and Byeong, then entered his class. They both nodded and turned toward the couple who were still talking.

"He'll never come to class unless we force him," Y/n said, and they started to walk.

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