Addicted Boyfriend

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"I want you to control me"

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"I want you to control me"

"Kyung Min and Byeong Hoon were playing the 'Hit the chicken' game as the four girls entered the classroom.

Y/N asked the girls, "What are they playing?"

"Oh, that? They are playing with chicken coupons. They call it 'Hit the chicken,'" Min Ji explained.

"All the guys are playing that," Jin Hui said as they sat down to watch the guys play.

Kyung Min shouted in happiness as Byeong Hoon groaned in defeat.

"Gosh, why are you guys so loud?" Jin Hui complained as she looked up from her phone.

"I hope you get caught and have them taken away," she added.

"Let them be. I'm pretty sure they'll get caught," Y/N said.

"Do the teachers not know that yet? Everyone is playing that," Jin Hui said.

"I'll be really mad if we get in trouble because of them," Ja Rim said, as Y/N noticed Ah Ram's interest in that game.

"Yah, doesn't Joo Young and Kyung Woo play that too?" Jin Hui asked Ja Rim and Y/N.

"No, he probably doesn't if he's in his right mind," Ja Rim answered.

"I hope he doesn't play that," Y/N replied.

"What if they do play it too?" Min Ji asked, a bit curious.

"Aish, I think I'll be turned off by it."

Suddenly, Joo Young appeared, wanting to battle Kyung Min. Y/N turned to Ja Rim and chuckled as Joo Young stared at her blankly.

"Are you turned off?" Min Ji turned back to Ja Rim. Ja Rim stood up and dragged Joo Young out of the class.

* * *


/N, Jin Hui, Ja Rim, and Min Ji sat together in the classroom.

"Where is Ah Ram?" Y/N asked.

"She is addicted to that game," Ja Rim said.

"Yah, Y/N, do you know Kyung Woo has won every match in that game? He even got the nickname 'the lender,'" Jin Hui said as Y/N sighed.

"Mm, I know."

"Why are you not saying anything to him?" Min Ji asked her, as Y/N looked down and pursed her lips.

"We just started dating. If I tell him to do this or that, he will probably start to feel I'm controlling him," Y/N said.

"But if you hate that, you should say it," Ja Rim said.

"I don't know." Y/N stood up and walked away.

* * *

Kyung Woo and Ah Ram played the game. Ah Ram kept failing while Kyung Woo kept winning, making Ah Ram increasingly frustrated.

"You should study with that brain of yours," Y/N said, sitting next to Kyung Woo, as Ja Rim took her place.

"Yes, madam," Kyung Woo said. Y/N looked at him.

"Do you like to play this game that much?" Y/N asked. Kyung Woo nodded his head. Y/N sighed and stood up.

"Okay, I'll go to my class," Y/N said, walking out of their class, as Ja Rim noticed the whole thing, knowing Y/N must be feeling sad.

"Yah, Kyung Woo," Ja Rim called him, and he turned to her.

"Y/N doesn't like you playing that game," Ja Rim said.

"If she doesn't like it, she could've told me," Kyung Woo said, not taking it seriously.

"Yeah, I'm serious. She thought that if she tells you not to play, it could be like she is controlling you," Ja Rim said as Kyung Woo looked at her and then at the coupons.

* * *

Y/N and Kyung Woo walked together outside of the school, with Kyung Woo still thinking about what Ja Rim had said.

He turned to Y/N, who didn't look happy, and he sighed, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Do you want to tell me something?" Kyung Woo asked as Y/N looked up at him.

"No. Why?" Y/N asked, and Kyung Woo shook his head.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Kyung Woo asked, but Y/N just shook her head.

Kyung Woo sighed and ruffled her hair.

"Yah, yah!" Y/N shouted as he released her.

"Aish." Y/N fixed her hair. "Why did you do that?" Y/N asked him with a small smile.

Kyung Woo put his arm around her shoulder, pulled her close, and leaned into her ear.

"I like you very much," Kyung Woo said, making Y/N blush.

"I know," Y/N replied, biting her lips, holding her smile.

"Then shall we go eat?" Kyung Woo asked, and now Y/N nodded her head.

Kyung Woo looked at her with a smile, determined not to let Y/N overthink things.

* * *

"What are you guys doing?" Y/N asked Jisoo and Ah Ram when she saw Jisoo sitting behind Ah Ram, teaching 'Hit the Chicken'.

"Is this a melodrama?" Y/N chuckled at them.

"Noona, don't misunderstand," Jisoo said.

"Yah, don't disturb us," Ah Ram said, focusing on the game.

Y/N shook her head at them and went back to her own business.

* * *

"Shall we go to the internet cafe today?" Kyung Woo asked Y/N, with Y/N playing games on her phone and Kyung Woo sitting next to her.

Just as Y/N was about to reply, everyone entered the classroom.

"Yah, Lee Kyung Woo, let's have a revenge match," Ah Ram said, sitting in front of Kyung Woo. Y/N saw Joo Young, Ja Rim, Min Ji standing next to Ah Ram as if they were supporting Ah Ram.

Kyung Min and Byeong Hoon stood behind Kyung Woo as Y/N sighed at them and then stood up. Kyung Woo noticed it and grabbed Y/N's hand, standing up.

"No, I'm not playing," everyone looked shocked.

"Why?" Ah Ram shouted.

"Because Y/N doesn't like it," everyone exclaimed in surprise as Y/N smiled at him.

Kyung Woo took all the coupons from his bag and placed them in front of Ah Ram.

"You can take them," Kyung Woo said to her and then walked away.

Y/N couldn't stop her smile as they stopped at the canteen.

"If you don't like anything, just say it," Kyung Woo said. "You are my girlfriend; you have every right to say, 'do this, do that.'" Kyung Woo smiled as Y/N looked very happy. "I want you to control me"

"Promise me," Kyung Woo said, linking her pinky finger with his.

"I promise," Y/N said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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