A Day of Revelations

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Episode - 19


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Upon opening her house gate, Y/n spotted her boyfriend, Kyungwoo, waiting for her.

"Kyungwoo," she smiled, closing the gate behind her.

"Hi," he returned the smile, and Y/n noticed he had cut his hair.

"Wow!" she began, standing beside him. "You look—" before she could finish, Kyungwoo interjected.

"Handsome," he said, and Y/n chuckled, shaking her head.

"Human," she teased, prompting a playful change in Kyungwoo's expression.

"Yah!" he exclaimed. "I'm your boyfriend," he reminded her, and Y/n burst into laughter.

"Did you wait long?" she inquired.

"No," he replied, taking her hand as they started walking.

"Did you tell anyone about us?" Kyungwoo asked her.

"No," she answered.


"Just for fun. I want to see their reaction," she explained, and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Did you tell anyone?" Y/n asked him.

"Only Jooyoung," he replied.

"Oh," she turned to him. "So, problem solved, huh?" she asked.

"Yes. We're good now," he said, and as they approached Jooyoung's house, they saw Kyungmin standing there.

"Hi," Y/n greeted Kyungmin as he turned to her, his smile dropping when he saw Y/n and Kyungwoo walking hand in hand.

"What—?" He looked speechless, pointing at their joined hands, then shook his head, teasingly smiling at them. "If you guys hold hands like this, people are gonna think you guys are dating," Kyungmin said as they stood in front of him.

"Let them think," Kyungwoo said, and Kyungmin looked at him, confused.

"Because we are dating," Y/n added, causing Kyungmin's eyes to widen.

"You guys are kidding?" He asked, and they both shook their heads.

"Since when?"

"Since yesterday," Kyungwoo replied, and Kyungmin burst into laughter. Y/n and Kyungwoo exchanged confused glances.

"I thought you were never going to tell her," Kyungmin laughed as Y/n chuckled at him.

"Yah," Kyungwoo glared at him, making him stop laughing and look at him.

"Wait, you cut your hair," Kyungmin said, pointing to Kyungwoo's head.

"Oh my god, so many miracles today," Kyungmin said as they heard someone say 'hi.'

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