Chapter 5

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Dazai knew why Mori intentionally called him during his mating with Chuuya, he wanted to show his dominance and that he is the owner of the said Omega, he wants to ward off the young brunette. If he is not essential to the organization instead of such a thing he can just discard him but of course he didn't.

Sitting on his favorite chair at the Lupin's bar, Oda had been staring at the circle shape ice on his whiskey waiting for his friend.

The shopkeepers bell rings.

"You've been spending most of your time in that penthouse"

It is true that at first Mori's purpose in keeping Dazai close to Chuuya is to nullify and guard him in case he tries to escape, though the entire chamber is protected against abilities. Now that he can leave without those worries, he wonders why he is still guarding him. It didn't take long for Dazai to come up with a theory about Mori's selfish scheme, it is to torture him and the Omega for the reason that he is now trying to figure out why. Maybe because he's just pure evil that suffering of other people gives him joy, he could only speculate inside his head.

"I have to wait for Chuuya to fall asleep, he doesn't want me to leave his side" – Dazai answered as he sat down on the chair beside the older Beta.

Oda snickered "That's interesting because before that spiteful Omega doesn't even want you around, now he's like a kid who doesn't want to be separated from his parent on the first day of preschool"

The young Alpha didn't respond to the low-key jesting of his comrade instead he quickly chugs on the glass of whiskey that was placed in front of him and made a loud bang on the counter as he puts it down. Oda didn't react to it that much, he knew his friend for so long that he can get a hint that there's something bothering him.

"I'm gonna get him out of there!" – the brunette growled loudly.

There is a momentary silence between the two, only an old music from the piano in the background can be heard.

"Just call me up then" – Oda said with finality as if he already knows what is the role that he needs to play during the escape, he stands up and heads towards the door of the bar but before going out he said "You can go back, the Omega must be lonely right now" – he added, Dazai may not say anything to his friend but Oda have the idea on what happened and the fact that Chuuya is probably waiting for Dazai to return.


"What?! Are you serious?!" – Chuuya exclaimed with the news while they are playing card games on his bed.

Dazai didn't react much because he is too focus on the cards in his hands "Yup I am... hmn... so if I take this and put it here, I think I can use it for this" – the brunette said while thinking of his next move on the game, not that he needed to because he is a genius so that game is just a child's play for him.

Chuuya smacks Dazai's hands sending all the cards away "Hey, why did you do that? I'm almost winning" – the young Alpha whines as he turns his attention to now raging little ginger Omega in front of him.

"That is not important right now! What are you saying that you will help me escape here?!" – Chuuya sounded angry with a hint of worry "You know I've tried that multiple times over the course of my stay here and you always get punished for not guarding me and that's only my fault, now you wanted yourself really get involve?! Are you crazy?! Who knows what Mori will do to you if he finds out you're actually behind it this time?!"

Dazai starts to collect the playing cards that are scattered on the bed "I don't care as long as you get out of here I'm good with that"

"No, he could kill you" – Chuuya said in a low tone as he looks down and tears edging on his eyes "And if you die, there's no good of me being free" – he added stifling.

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