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Hi I Exist and I'm posting my first chapter! It's mostly in Shiro's POV I don't know why.

(Hint look at my NameTag)

Oh and btw this is a Shidge AU where basically Matt an Sam Holt don't go on the Kerberos mission instead Katie and Colleen Holt go (yes Shiro is with them its a Shidge book)

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Katie's POV

I woke up to the sound of.. voices?

"She's waking up" a deep gravely voice growls out, I groan opening my eyes.

I look up to see two purple alien cats with armor dragging me down a dark purple hall in an unknown location.

"What the ..." I murmur before seeing some alien cats dragging an unconscious Mom and Shiro through the halls.

"Mom!" My eyes widen as I try to stand up before being pushed back down by a large hand.

"Shut it" the Alein cat holding me said.

"Shir-" I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head, knocking me out cold.

Shiro's POV

We just got captured by aliens. Just great right?

Colleen Kate and I were all thrown into some sort of jail cell earlier, I already checked both of the, for any sort of visible wounds.

Colleen shifts in her sleep, I kneel in front of her scanning her face for any kind of discomfort.

"You okay?" I ask helping her sit up, I can't panic or it could put us all at risk

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay" Colleen inhales sharply before looking around.

"hey what about me?!" Katie yells from the corner.

"Are you okay Katie?" I ask slowly walking over to her.

"Wait" she looks around, standing up quickly "where are we?" Panic is clear in her eyes.

"We're on a alien space ship" I'm not going to sugar coat it. ".. what?" Katie whispers panic switching to fear in a matter of seconds.

Time skip Shiro's POV (due to Lotors Gorgeous harr)

A couple hours later two guards walk up to the cell door with two robot looking things.

"Who are you!" I roar slamming my fist into the metal wall.

"The Galra." Guard number one looks done with me right now.

"Big one and the small one come with me, the older one stays" Guard number two opens the thick metal door easily.

"Take me instead!" Colleen says pulling Katie behind her. The Guard number two ignore Colleen and reach out to grab Katie.

"Katie!" Colleen cries. I bite my lip before grabbing guard number two's arm, twisting it a way it probably shouldn't be going, before I could do any further damage the two robots from before grab me from behind, successfully trapping my arms behind my back so guard number two could run out of the cell, terrified.

"This one should do well in the Arena" a deep just plain evil sounding voice says from behind the guards, all heads turned in it's direction.

"Who are you" Colleen asks standing in a protective stance in front of Katie. A big, big alien with large .. fluffy ears lets out a deep growl as it walks towards Colleen. "He's Sendak, and you should fear him." Guard number one states.

"Ah, I see a cub." This .. Sendak steps closer

"You don't know what you're talking about! I'm eighteen!" Katie shrieks

"Interesting." Sendak grabs Katie's chin holding her head up and scanning her face. Colleen is grabbed by Guard number one.

"Don't. touch. her." I growl, practically glaring holes into Sendak's head. I successfully twist my arms out of the robot's reach and run at Sendak.

Before anybody could react with extreme force I body slam into Sendak's stomach, sending him into a wall with a loud *BAM* I land on the floor next to Sendak, quickly standing up I'm disoriented and dizzy.

Sendak grabs a dagger from his belt swinging it at my face, thankfully missing my eyes but still cutting a huge cut into the bridge of my nose. I grunt in pain, not giving him the satisfaction of a scream.

"Holy- Shiro are you okay!!" Katie grabs me by the sides of my head, making sure the cut wasn't too deep.

"I'm f-fine." I stutter a bit from both pain and the blush rising to my face, luckily Katie couldn't see it from the blood smeared across my face so I'm off the hook for now.

"Cuff him I don't want him doing anymore damage than he's already done." Sendak huffs shoving the bloody dagger back into his belt.

The guards cuff me with large purple cuffs that dig into my skin, that's gonna leave a mar later.

"Take these two to the Arena I'm sure they'll do well. take the older one to clean the commander rooms" Sendak said pointing towards Shiro and Katie, before telling the sentry's to take Colleen.


I will more than likely make a part 2

I hope you enjoyed!

Green-Bean out!


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